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Farewell Cruel World

(19tx k7/digital, self-released 2015)

 | pall youhideme
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Okay, I've fallen in love with Pastelpower, aka Cherie Ko, from Singapore: her natural gift in crafting minimal, electronic twee-pop melodies, topped with the tints of mellow bitterness of her poignant vocals, is overwhelming me. 
It's absurd she's still unsigned, such these songs are so highly addictive. We're in the best-kept-secret zone here. 
She's started with playing covers on YouTube a few years ago, then, she made the jump into a personal songwriting, here collected in a 'definitive collection' of 18 tracks, with the vitriol title Farewell Cruel World.
Jean-Paul is a highly ecstatic love-song, its refrain will echo in your head for days, and the related official vid is cuteness at its top, - take this as a warning, if you have issues with sugars. I love it.
The autobiographic sarcasm of Allergies is a must-have anthem song for all those affected by allergies. 
Mrs Wolfe is the perfect heart-breaking song missing in Juno's OST
Pinup Gal is that bedroom twee-pop which made me fall in love with Brittle Stars a decade ago. Even with a song called Jerkface, Cherie can feed eerie harmonies.
Also, Candyhearts and Melon Collie are the missing link between Camera Obscura and The Gentle Waves
The appealing naive vibe of the whole collection is stunning, so, now, press play. 

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