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Distant Radio

(5tx ep - 21'13'' - 'o5 Leftwing rec 'o5)

 | pall youhideme
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Five new tracks to calm down my Devics-addiction, waiting for next Push the Heart, realease due to 2oo6. - While opening self-titled gem is pure vulnerable melancholy, Just One Breath is a Song of desperated defeat, with Sara's voice in full magnetic grace, - to tear Your heart apart. Songwriting is often full of slight unexpected changes of chords, able to touch You and move You at that special higher feeling You were smelling of. - And when it's Dustin to lead vocals, on Song for a Sleeping Girl, things for sure are not care-free: a sad untouchable atmospere slowly-kept on an 8o's bassline melody will talk of His pure spleen. You can hope in salvation only through the listen of the antiquated cabaret style/feeling of We Belong to No One: it's a fact, as Sara sung on Blue Miss Monday some years ago, "i really see now / sadness is happyness".

-› read more stuff written about Devics on these pages.
-› mp3s:
— stream the album at —;
— live at KCRW radio, full podcast here including one more song and interview; downloads via
. Lie to Me (preview from Push The Heart, to be released in early 2oo6)
. Red Morning
. Don't Take it Away
. If We Cannot See (preview from Push The Heart, to be released in early 2oo6)
. Just One Breath
. Distant Radio
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