26-Aug-2005 3:35 PM - hey komadudes, i'll be off until 5th sept.. Oslo, i'm coming!

25-Aug-2005 3:09 PM - Robert Smith - The Cure in Taormina (pic by C. Parker) The Cure performed live in Taormina, Sicily, last 20th.. You can find a 1o min recording video here, or via yousendit. - more info here.

24-Aug-2005 2:15 PM - [komaradio] is working right now. enjoy the Muziq. (flashplayer needed)

23-Aug-2005 4:29 PM - Breeders - Bsides, Singles, Rarities, Bootlegs Can't remember if i did already post a link to this amazing tribute page to Breeders, full of free d/l mp3s from singles, bsides, rarities and bootlegs.. fucking rich with contents.. The Breeders stay as a not to be missed-Band of 9o's, even if They won't change Your life: it's brilliant poppy indierock Music, catchy and melodic.

23-Aug-2005 12:04 PM - Sciflyer - The Age of Lovely, Intimate Things CD Sciflyer - The Age of Lovely, Intimate Things (5tx ep, 31'16'' - Clairecords 'o5) - Mi trovo di nuovo a parlare degli Sciflyer, per qualche misteriosa congiunzione. Tutto vero. Non è un caso che succeda adesso, quando l'estate muta il cielo in toni liliacei. Questa musica malinconica ben si adatta alle intemperie propizianti il piu caduco degli autunni, ma è un sentimento leggero come una scia troppo veloce per essere seguita oltre il punto convergente dell'orizzonte. Principalmente è psichedelia, la passione del gruppo, sempre più dreamy-pop sentimental. Non c'è alcuna ombra che attraversa questo specchio d'acqua, solo una increspatura azzurra propagata come onda di suono essudata da un soffio sulla superficie. Sembrano canzoni esistite da sempre in un libro ideale della memoria di quanto è buono: non che il titolo del lavoro, The Age of Lovely, Intimate Things, nasconda già di per sè nulla del vagheggiamento idilliaco che ne è il motivo portante. L'artwork è raffigurante l'immagine sfocata di una foresta che pare incendiare (almeno a me), una sagoma umana vi si approssima pacatamente, altrettanto indistinta. __by Vono (-› mp3s vedi fine traduzione in inglese) // Sciflyer - The Age of Lovely, Intimate Things (5tx ep, 31'16'' - Clairecords 'o5) - Here i am, one more time talking of Sciflyer, maybe under some mysterious conjunction. All true. It's not random it arrives now, when summer turns the sky in lilies-ish tones. This melancholical music best joins with first promising rains of Autumn decay, - but it's a light feeling, light as a quick sign, too quick than You cannot follow it any further besides the point converging with the horizon. No shades cross this water mirror, - just an azure stain oversounding like a wave whispered along the surface. These are songs that exist since ever into an ideal memory book of what there's good: and as it can preview, neithern the title, The Age of Lovely, Intimate Things, wants to hide this idyllic idea of ecstatic digression, - strong point with this production. The artwork sees a blurred imagine of a forest that looks to be in flames (at lease, that seems to me), as well, out of focus, a shadow of a human next to merge unto. __by Vono
-› sample mp3 (via ToneVendor):
o3. The Samething goes for Christmas
-› past reviews on komakino.

22-Aug-2005 5:18 PM - Relax, Golf-time File under: time to relax, no will to work or live Yourlife.

19-Aug-2005 4:10 PM - The Cramps - A Date With Elvis The Cramps - A Date with Elvis (11 + 4bonus trx cd, 48'o3'' - Vegeance rec 'o1) - Originally released in '85, then re-issued by Mordarm rec in 2oo1 with some special extra-tracks like Get off the Road, theme from Z(!)-movie She Devil on Wheels, with Poison Ivy leading vocals, - personally i consider this record as one of most special between all The Cramps' ones, first because it sees Them as 3-piece Band, with Kristi Wallace (that is the Creature Poison Ivy) playing both guitars and bass, and joining Lux Interior at vocals on Kizmiaz (yeah pronunce it kiss-my-ass, an hippie-smelling tunefull 6o's parody song). Then there is lots of Her genius, as never again later in time, - i think. Second, it best englobes all 1950s-derived Lux' obsessed love for a zombified Elvis, His crude humor/lyrics, the low-fi culture, rockabilly and garage decadence, and the ever best answer to whatever impact Grease (the movie) could ever had on random people.. The Cramps were punk in a different personal way respect all the rest hanging around at those times. Pure alien, with a similar '77 riot attitude against the family-cult and 7o's disco, but pure alien. This album features voodoo hits like Cornfed Dames, majestically boogie (together with primal Chicken), - as well The Hot Pearl Snatch, (Hot Pool Of) Womanneed, obscene sexual explosions, - or Georgia Lee Brown, crazed rock'n'roll. - Poison Ivy pshycho/frenzies guitar style has got a unique fresh touch, - Her distorted rockabilly riffs best cover and enrich Lux vocals, rendering all visceral in a continuous excitement.
-› mp3s (unfortunately i didn't find anything from this record, so enjoy a couple of other pearls..):
[via deg-tcd]
a. fever (1980, from Songs the Lord Taught Us)
b. love me (1976 demo)
[via cryptones]
c. goo goo muck (1980, from Songs the Lord Taught Us)
d. naked girl falling down the stairs (1994, from Flamejob)
-› video (3o sec):
e. bikini girls with a machine gun (1990, from Stay Sick!)

19-Aug-2005 10:49 AM - Charles Bukowski A couple of days ago it was Bukowski's birthday. "you may not believe it / but there are people / who go through life with / very little / friction or / distress. / they dress well, eat / well, sleep well. / they are contented with / their family / life. / they have moments of / grief / but all in all / they are undisturbed / and often feel / very good. / and when they die / it is an easy / death, usually in their / sleep. / you may not believe / it / but such people do / exist. / but I am not one of / them. / oh no, I am not one / of them, / I am not even near / to being / one of / them / but they are / there / and I am / here". ___ the aliens.

18-Aug-2005 5:03 PM - The Queen, - LimpFish A great collection of made_in_photoshop. The dude below the scenes of Limp Fish has got some great ideas.. some fakes are such so perfect to be frankly realistic.. my fav's: Elvis/John, Fozzy Osbourne, - and then You can also find a link to a page of Coke Nazi Advert challenge, - pretty interesting.

17-Aug-2005 3:30 PM - Time for Coffee break with: No More Lonely Nights, Evil Penguin hacking network, Starwars, more Horsepower for You car, Modern Woman Guide, - You should surf this site for lots more..

17-Aug-2005 1:49 PM - Goldfrapp - Supernature Goldfrapp - Supernature (11tx cd, 42'29'' - Mute rec 'o5) - Times of Felt Mountain oneiric trips are far, Supernature signs the second step closest to former Black Cherry (2oo3): - it means that Alison Goldfrapp and Will Gregory are still right on the way of electroclash and pop-dance (see the video for single Oh La La, it's pure glam porn), like if after Their primordial love for Ennio Morricone, there was Blondie around the corner, fighting against buzzing live-wire synths. The point, what it lacks with this record, it's the same Alison parenthesis: - we know She's got an amazing voice, but none of these synth pop tracks is able to bring Her higher in the Sky as on cinematic and elegant Lovely Head [audio sample via Mute]. - Yeah, She stays languid and sexy, with breathy vocals (listen Koko, kind of futuristic strip-club hit), and fucking trendy tunes (Satin Chic seems stolen at best of 8o's Depeche Mode/Soft Cell), vintage, as well as volatile (Time Out from the World is a good icy love-song). But probably this was the limit to (best?) balance making-money-chance with Inspiration. Shit.
-› streaming songs:
. album

17-Aug-2005 1:11 PM - Fake Moon Landings - the evidence After years disputing about true and not true, finally now You can watch for sure all evidences it was a fake operated by Nasa: here. - fantastic.

17-Aug-2005 11:50 AM - Simple and smart: Tyoogle Tyoogle is a useful tool for searching mp3s through the net, auto-composing a path to seek exclusively into Music directories (see my past post of 20-Jun-2005 4:33 PM).. well, have good luck..

16-Aug-2005 5:20 PM - Cyriak - time waster. Stuff on Cyriak really made my day easier to bring to the end.. with a smile on my face.. very british humour btw.. that remembers me of Monthy Python.. my fav's: grandad, traffic report, the road to royality, Fluffkins vs The Robot, Black-Holoes, Whoopsy Daisy (!!!).. and so on..

16-Aug-2005 5:16 PM - Windows XP icon battle This is pretty funny.. geeks will get an orgasm!.. Windows xp icon desktop fighting.. people doing this stuff are talented indeed.. with tech as well with ideas, isn't it? i wonder how long it took..

16-Aug-2005 2:14 PM - Emiliana Torrini, radio showcaseStill don't know if i really like Emiliana Torrini's Music. A bit mono-form, and maybe sometimes too much radiofriendly, but it's charming btw. Especially a radio session, broadcasted at Session Planet Claire. - You can also find some more mp3s here (suggestion for: Crazy).

16-Aug-2005 12:20 PM - Malory - the Third Face Malory - The Third Face (11tx cd, 48'48'' - Supermodern/Indigo rec 'o5) - After about 4 years from former splendid album Outerbeats, german shoegazer Malory finally release The Third Face, whose beautiful Wake Up already appeared on a single in 2oo2. Sincerely i was expected something bigger, - i mean, 4 years are a bunch of time for recording and preparing/selecting new stuff, and after several excellent past songs, i hoped in a pure Gem as following step. And this is not. And let's forgive and forget for a while the fact They deeply follow coordinates of early Slowdive. - Actually, there are a couple of well done pearls, like Sleeper, Endora and She Has Gone, full of multi-layered guitar carpets, bliss-out calm, You know, - but these ambients sound like Outerbeats out-takes; - btw, i cannot understand easy-listening pieces like Track II, kind of electro-dub dancefloor hit, or hip-hop beats and keyboards of Ray of Hope, as well as Take Me Down - that lets me ask myself: how can You name one of Your songs like one of shoegazest Slowdive's pieces when it's also clear Your songwriting is à la Slowdive? And moreover, when the song is also somewhat mediocre? - Ok, degustibus..
-› sample mp3s (via website):
1. sleeper
2. silence flows through noise
3. she has gone
4. take me down
5. endora
6. track 11
7. ajar door
8. ray of hope
9. want you
1o city lights
11. wake up

16-Aug-2005 9:08 AM - Fucking - Austria I guess this is not a legend.. it's about a small town in Austria named Fucking.. i know, it's even too to make fun of that.. but it's funny! and read this artcle too.. so stupid.. it's like for that town in italy called 'Bastardo', in Umbria (i guess You can easily translate)..

15-Aug-2005 3:52 PM - Blue Collar - Lovely HazelBlue Collar - Lovely Hazel (9tx cd, 55'28 - Public Eyesore rec 'o5) - Recorded in late 2oo3, but realised this year, the NYC trio here features with an excellent instant Music performance, with trumpet, trombone and percussion as formula, - through a kind of almost unclassified free-jazz variety, such so unclassificable that even tracks cannot have titles, but numbers in their place. There's a particular attention and creativity in shifting and forging brass and percussive sounds, always in a perfect balance notwithstanding the multiform improvisation as well even when the form is more classic (the dense funereal ode of 31/1). You can hear the "Music" coming out of silence (47) like a free enchanting conversation of whispers between instruments, now suffocating, droning, then screaming and aching, where also percussions have a own language extension, almost touched, then scratched with brushes, and then beaten harder, opening and closing timbres, passing from static impulse to earth-quake (61 is explosive..). This record is pure perfection, and such it is the last track 48/2 a strong crescendo of mesmerising pathos. Nate Wooley (trumpet, flugelhorn, voice) Steve Swell (trombone, voice) and Tatsuya Nakatani (percussion) deserve Your attention. [scroll down for links to a couple of samples] // Blue Collar - Lovely Hazel (9tx cd, 55'28 - Public Eyesore rec 'o5) - Registrato nel tardo 2oo3, ma pubblicato solo quest'anno, il trio newyorkese qui figura un'eccellente performance di varietà free-jazz non classificata, - anzi, tanto inclassificabile che nemmeno le tracce hanno un nome, ma un numero, una matematica in suo luogo. C'è una particolare attenzione e creatività nel cambiare e forgiare i suoni degli ottoni e quelli percussivi, - sempre in un perfetto equilibrio nonostante l'improvvisazione multiforme, anchè lì dove la forma è più classica (la densa ode funerea di 31/1). Si può ascoltare la "Musica" venir fuori dal silenzio (47), come un'accativante chiacchierata di sussurri tra gli strumenti stessi, - ora che soffocano, si lamentano, - dove anche le percussioni riescono ad avere una propria estenzione di linguaggio, appena sfiorati, quindi grattati dalle spazzole della batteria, e picchiate più forte, aprendo e chiudendo i timbri, passando dall'impulso statico al terremoto (61 è esplosiva..). Questo disco è pura perfezione, e tale è la traccia che lo conclude, 48/2, un forte crescendo di pathos mesmerico. Nate Wooley (trumpet, flugelhorn, voice) Steve Swell (trombone, voice) and Tatsuya Nakatani (percussion) meritano la Vostra attenzione.
-› real media files (via Public Eyesore rec):

14-Aug-2005 10:27 AM - The Cubby Creatures - After the Deprogramming (13tx cd, 39'53'' - Rodent rec 'o5) - From San Francisco, The Cubby Creatures are a kind of fuzzy pop four piece alchemy, with a naif song-writing strengthened by violin tunefulness and hints of 6o's. Sort of easy-listening quirk psychedelic pop, to be frank: You can hear Them alternating songs combining a funny jovial spirit (Wallet) with dramatic and psychological (Night Comfort Theater), - also blending together plain folk and indie attitude, like on Song for the Secret, where You can appreciate a beautiful revival taste for Velvet Underground sweetness, or Pawn Takes Queen where female and male vocals lovely fit at Their best. [scroll down for mp3s] // The Cubby Creatures - After the Deprogramming (13tx cd, 39'53'' - Rodent rec 'o5) - Da San Francisco, i Cubby Creatures sono una sorta di alchemia fuzzy pop a 4, con un song-writing naif rinforzato dal lavoro melosiodo del violino e accenni anni 6o. Sorta di pop psichedelico di facile lettura a dir il vero: Li potete sentire alternare canzoni che combinano uno spiritolo gioviale e divertente (Wallet) con un altro drammatico e psicologico (Night Comfort Theateri), - mettendo anche insieme folk piano con attitudine indie, - come su Song for the Secret, dove si può apprezzare un bel gusto revival per la dolcezza à la Velvet Underground, o Pawn Takes Queen dove le voci di Lui e Lei amabilmente s'incontrano al meglio.
-› mp3s (via website):
#1 Electric Goat
#3 Static Fuzzy
#7 Pawn Takes Queen
#12 Maybe I'd be Better

12-Aug-2005 4:43 PM - Devics - Distant RadioDevics - Distant Radio (5tx ep - 21'13'' - 'o5 Leftwing rec 'o5) - Five new tracks to calm down my Devics-addiction, waiting for next Push the Heart, realease due to 2oo6. - While opening self-titled gem is pure vulnerable melancholy, Just One Breath is a Song of desperated defeat, with Sara's voice in full magnetic grace, - to tear Your heart apart. Songwriting is often full of slight unexpected changes of chords, able to touch You and move You at that special higher feeling You were smelling of. - And when it's Dustin to lead vocals, on Song for a Sleeping Girl, things for sure are not care-free: a sad untouchable atmospere slowly-kept on an 8o's bassline melody will talk of His pure spleen. You can hope in salvation only through the listen of the antiquated cabaret style/feeling of We Belong to No One: it's a fact, as Sara sung on Blue Miss Monday some years ago, "i really see now / sadness is happyness".
-› read more stuff written about Devics on these pages.
-› mp3s:
— stream the album at myspace.com/devics —;
— live at KCRW radio, full podcast here including one more song and interview; downloads via smudgeofashenfluff.com
. Lie to Me (preview from Push The Heart, to be released in early 2oo6)
. Red Morning
. Don't Take it Away
. If We Cannot See (preview from Push The Heart, to be released in early 2oo6)
. Just One Breath
. Distant Radio

12-Aug-2005 11:16 AM - Phallic Logos AwardsPhallic Logos Awards: this is fantastic! remembers me of Tyler in Fight Club, inserting short excerpts of porno movies into family-rated films.. - what's about: a challange to design a logo, approved by the client, without realising it's a penis..

12-Aug-2005 10:07 AM - Shaun photo Shaun has got a pretty good portfolio of photography, featuring categories as buildings, people, scenese, things. - I really dig it, colours are often warm, and even if pictures are kind of simple, it takes the best of each location.

12-Aug-2005 9:40 AM - i-toilet I love mac. But this can be confusing. Rumours about billgates are funny. // Amo i mac. Ma questo può anche confondere! E i pettegolezzi al riguardo su billgates sono divertenti.

12-Aug-2005 9:17 AM - Ladytron - Destroy Everything You Touch (video) I guess this is not the best season to watch new Ladytron video, Destroy Everything You Touch. So what, here You are. - Music stays such so 8o's, all in line with former records.. nothing new under the sun.. just another underground, perfectly enjoyable, dancefloor hit..

11-Aug-2005 5:05 PM - Patryk Rebisz - a camera pictured movie What's original with this mute short movie? Simple: the director, Patryk Rebisz, completly shot this film by still-photo, with a digital camera. That's smart! And moreover, actors are pretty good. // Cosa c'è d'originale in questo corto muto? Semplice: il regista, Patryk Rebisz, l'ha completamente girato su fotogrammi, con una fotocamera digitale.. direi mossa intelligente! E inoltre gli attori sono +ttosto bravi.

11-Aug-2005 4:46 PM - Hidden Camera Oh shit, someone is watching You.. turn off that webcam! - live views from all over the world.. that's so scary.. it's an archieve of links to one thousand and more webcams, - You can choose also country and town..

11-Aug-2005 4:25 PM - Lust for BustOk, it's time to get some flash-made things to waste my time.. oh well! lust for bust!! too much funny as well as stupid! but kids, maybe You need more practise! ohdear this town (rome) is a desert..

11-Aug-2005 10:05 AM - New OrderNew Order, live @ Traffic, - Torino, 2 luglio 'o5. - E' stato uno strano concerto, un sacco di magliette dei Joy Division, pubblico tiepido sulle ultime cose, poi i nostri hanno fatto un paio di pezzi dei Joy Division ed è stata l'apoteosi: un coro unico di testi, persone "prese", perse in un tunnel spazio-temporale, che è continuato per quasi un'ora tra altri pezzi dei Joy Division e primissimi New Order, come Everything's gonna green. L'evento non era il concerto dei New Order, era assistere fuori tempo massimo ad un concerto dei Joy Division, vivere nell'immaginario collettivo un'emozione che non si è riusciti ad assaporare nella realtà. Riemersa dal tunnel mi sono chiesta come si sentono: suonano come New Order, ma credo siano consapevoli che il 90% del pubblico è composto da persone che non sono riuscite  a vedere i Joy Division e che vanno lì a vedere i superstiti dei Joy Division, e che sono poco interessate a cosa fanno loro oggi, probabilmente molti di loro (compresa la sottoscritta) non acquistano e non ascoltano i loro ultimi lavori. Ho provato ad immedesimarmi in loro e l'ho trovato abbastanza malinconico: Bernard Sumner canta, ma è consapevole che il pubblico immagina un'altra persona al microfono, hanno cambiato musica ma per soddisfare il pubblico ai concerti devono suonare il repertorio degli albori. Non dev'essere facile essere come un'ologramma trasparente, come uno schermo su cui il pubblico guarda il concerto a cui avrebbe voluto assistere. [___by loredana fayer]

10-Aug-2005 5:05 PM - Naphtalene tv Naphtalene is an asiatic design company with lots of wow-FLASHmade things to play with, when You're bored in office.. professional toys able to make You drop all, walk the door and get a coffee yawning.. and the best way to move my legs again, it's by downloading Ramones' Smash You here (more here)..

10-Aug-2005 1:21 PM - The Viv Prince Experience - s/tThe Viv Prince Experience - s/t (5tx cdR, 18'11'' self-prod. 'o5) - Dry beat music combo from rome, crossing street-punk and garage melodies, all smelling british mid-'60s, through clean sounds and rancid male vocals. Songs run all on the same lines, hard to place a difference, but sounds honest, and even if the production is modest, it got numbers to break out with some more sparkle (give a chance to Rise before my eyes).
-› mp3s (via website):
Maria's Gone
(3.6 Mb)
Rise before my eyes (3.5 Mb)
Autistic roommate (2.2 Mb)
Ivory tower (3 Mb)
Springtime (4.1 Mb)

10-Aug-2005 10:43 AM - Betty Boop The hottest Babe of the planet! I love Betty Boop, and here You can find lots of episodes to download for free!

09-Aug-2005 3:45 PM - I didn't know the Blonde Redhead have an official website. - not exactly full of info btw.. Now You know, and everybody knows it. [-› read past interview, -› see live pics i took some LONG timeago..]

08-Aug-2005 6:02 PM - Slowdive - vids Fantastic! This site, Alex Music, features several videos of Slowdive i never watched before.. great.. i'm going to upload them on komakino right tomorrow.. in the meanwhile, enjoy! - luv to Slowdive.

08-Aug-2005 11:56 AM - Roof Sex - by PES crew Let me say this Roof Sex (3,8mb) is one of funniest shorts i ever watched.. totally hilarious and.. well, it's porno!! fantastic, i really enjoyed it.. - best greetings to PES group

05-Aug-2005 4:33 PM Nocturnal Devil - illustration (this one says: Can We Keep him? This Artist, Nocturnal Devil, is evilish, is funny, is crazy, odd, weird, black, cinic, such so cruel! And, beware, Your stomach maybe cannot stand these illustrations.. like this one, this one, as well as this one. - Cool.

05-Aug-2005 3:37 PM - Bron Y Aur - Vol 4Bron Y Aur - Vol 4 (4tx+ 1 ghostrk ep, 21'o1'' Wallace / BarLaMuerte / Dixlexiqa / BurpPublications rec 'o5) - Oh well, i love when artwork makes appear a cd like an old style vynil.. and that's what You can have in Your hands buying this ep. - Note: oh, gods, Their previous album, Between 13 & 16, was four years ago! - Btw, former nervous kraut rock attitudes seem to be now far, - actually on these tracks They are embracing more a hard rock 7o's style, between instrumental and things with vocals, kind of psychedelia meeting hypnotical freejazz riffs, - all fairlygood fitting with a good feeling on M2424, with strong guitars and bass lines, and Amanitas's Mood, sort of minimal freestyle improvvisation for about 7 minutes. And, tracklist features suddenly a cover of 6o's - i guess - Bring It On Home To Me, (maybe by Sam Cook?), - a ballad completly alien to Their production.. -› mp3: superkraut (via wallace) // Bron Y Aur - Vol 4 (4tx+ 1 ghostrk ep, 21'o1'' Wallace/BarLaMuerte/Dixlexiqa/BurpPublications rec 'o5) - Oh, beh, amo quando l'artwork fa apparire un cd come un vinile vecchio stile.. ed è quello che potreste ritrovarVi fra le mani, acquistando questo ep. Nota: oh, cristo, il Loro precedente album, Between 13 & 16, è di quattro anni fa! - Cmq, le precedenti attitudini nervose kraut rock sembrano sopite, e in effetti queste tracce abbracciano di + una visione hard rock anni 7o, tra lo strumentale e cose con voci, sorta di psichedelia che incontra riff freejazz ipnotici, - tutto che cozza al meglio in un buon sentimento di insieme su M2424, con linee di basso e chitarra forti, - e Amanitas's Mood, sorta di improvvisazione stile libero, sul minimale, per oltre 7 minuti. E, la scaletta, include improvisamente anche una cover degli anni 6o, - credo, - Bring It On Home To Me, (forse di Sam Cook?), una ballata completamente estemporanea alla loro produzione. -› mp3: superkraut (via wallace)

04-Aug-2005 2:08 PM -

Sigur Ros live in Rome, auditorium della musica, 25th july 2oo5, very lo-fi recordings by komakino (sorry, no enough time for mixing/eq), pics courtesy of friend Stefano De Giacometti.
track 1 (Glosoli) - 9'3o''
track 2 (Ny_Batter_) - 8'54''
track 3 (Svefn_G_Englar) - 1o'47''
track 4 (Saeglopur) - 8'o8''
track 5 (Hufupukar) - 9'12''
track 6 - 11'20
track 7 (Gong) - 12'26
track 8 - 7'19''
(unfortunately i couldnt record 5 songs left scheduled)

- An amazing experience, in Rome, a couple of days ago. 4 guys and 4 girls from Icelands, speaking a different alien language acme, - inhuman vocals from outerspace, playing a different harmony/Music. More than one hour of moans of Beauty, of soave, quietly marching through heavens of bliss-out and melody. Bow on guitars, xylophone, cathedral organs, flutes, apple ibook, bells, chimes, quartet of arcs (played by 4 girls/angels, also opening the night), collision of walls of sounds, while in Your mind it projects like a storm of open spaces crashing. No words between each songs, no presentation, just Music, just emotions, and greetings at the end of encores.

03-Aug-2005 1:49 PM - What if i tell You i already found (and downloaded) on the net the Sigur Ros' new album, Takk? I ask, how that is possible.. what? do You want the link? Just ask.. hurry up.. MAYBE i can help.. i guess it's going to be deleted soon..

02-Aug-2005 4:42 PM - Autolux - Future PerfectAutolux - Future Perfect (11tx cd, 51'53'' DMZ/Sony Music rec 'o5) - DMZ is Coen Brothers' record label; and what makes these two brilliant brothers even more brilliant? - Answer: They signed Autolux. - Autolux are a perfect mixture of melodic diversity LA-based three piece, shining through the noise of chaotic guitars, precise steady drumming, and quite male vocals, - all perfectly fitting in a particular context of pop. And when i write down 'pop', be sure i'm not talking of shit à la britneyspears/mtv. When an indie attitude melts with Noise Music, Something wonderful and higher takes form here. Like Plantlife, Here Comes Everybody: pure melodic expressions dear to shoegazer fans, or sleepy march of Great Days for the Passenger Element, as well as Asleep at the Trigger, dreamy and simply genuine like one of best Clinic songs (- i also read They have been touring together). - This album has got the luck to never be boring, - it's High Quality and burning Sparkle, - and notwithstanding You can feel everything is measured, calculated (listen to Blanket!), - it's always exciting, and genuine: do You understand what i mean? And the excellent production remembers me of the first time i heard Sonic Youth's Dirty.. (and actually, Angry Candy has got something à la Sugar Kane..) ps. Azar, the girl at percussion, is fucking, fucking talented.
-› video: turnstile blues.
-› mp3: here comes everybody (via usounds.com)

02-Aug-2005 1:26 PM - love, peace, diamonds and listenings to:
§. hope sandoval & the warm inventions - bavarian fruit bread
§.§. goldfrapp - felt mountain
§.§.§. shannon wright - dyed in the wheel
§.§.§.§. devics - distant radio
§.§.§.§.§. bjork - o.s.t. 'drawing restraint 9'
§.§.§.§.§.§. vincent gallo - when
§.§.§.§.§.§.§. autolux - future perfect

-> -> -> It was july, just check.