The LC-A's 25th Birthday Parties
in Lomography Embassies and Galleries: Celebration Recap
I Love my LC-A, - and mine has a lens manufactured by LOMO PLC in Russia, so i feel even cooler than a nerd as i am. Anyway, this little 35mm [...]
30/06/2009 10:57:53
Fountain of Youth
Troutman & St. Nicholas, Bushwick, Brooklyn NY.
30/06/2009 10:51:06
kick your face
read more.. [...]
29/06/2009 11:24:05
by Juan Carlos Bueno
Link courtesy of Harmonique, thanks ++ [...]
28/06/2009 22:27:10
Domenica 28 giugno, al Sinister Noise di Roma
indie nightPrague + In Between Lies + Catering + Spotless, live, ingresso 5€, ore 21.30
Domani, Domenica 28 giugno al Sinister Noise ritorna a Roma Prague, non l'ambasciatore della Czech Republic, ma la (oneman) band [...]
27/06/2009 14:08:54
Amnesty international
eye tracking print advia Ads of the world
It says "the first poster that responds to people looking at it [..] 'let people directly experience how domestic violence is hidden from view"; - [...]
27/06/2009 10:48:16
See also:
Casper Electronics
Drones, drones, drones.
As written years ago, if I had money to spend or invest in Music, i would do with Casper Electronics effects.If You're into drones, ecstatic Music, [...]
26/06/2009 17:17:36
Michael Jackson
r.i.p.(USA, Gary, 29 agosto 1958 – Los Angeles, 25 giugno 2009)
I remember the first vynil LP i bought, - i was 9 years old, - it was Thriller, by Michael Jackson. Actually i went to this record shop close my home [...]
26/06/2009 10:54:27
"Un blog serissimo."
Un brillante blog di sferzante satira, con argomento le notizie di cronaca italiena."Per le feste a palazzo Grazioli la regola era "trucco leggero". [...]
25/06/2009 09:50:43
Cat Claws
Stupid Song + A Day as a Cat
A couple of weeks ago I met Lavinia, Cat Claws, in a venue, and She told me that the following w/e She was going to shot this home-made video [...]
25/06/2009 09:16:43
in BerlusconiLost In Berlusconi. Gli sceneggiatori di Lost alle prese con il caso Noemi.
Direi che hanno saputo cogliere l'attimo.. [...]
24/06/2009 16:24:54
manual t-shirtby Reece Ward
Bonus tshirt: makes your darker-sides whiter even at 30 degrees. [...]
24/06/2009 15:11:41
Ghost World
deluxe edition releaseby Daniel Clowes
Frankly, I never read this comics, - i did just flip some pages in a bookshop a couple of times, - anyway, i really loved the screenplay years ago, [...]
23/06/2009 17:41:05
No Border festival
Sabato 27 giugno 2009, RomaVia Valeriano, 3F, metro S. Paolo
In Italia purtroppo l’uso privatistico del potere e la perdita di ogni minimo contegno nell’approfittare selvaggiamente dei privilegi della politica [...]
22/06/2009 14:18:07
The difference between hardocore metal fans and ordinary humans
22/06/2009 14:05:32
See also: