Michael Jackson
Eternal Moonwalk
More than a tribute to Jackson: from all over the world, people are sending short clips of their personal moonwalk, a sort of endless hola, an amazing, often funny, patchwork.. [...]
13/07/2009 16:10:50
Sabato 11 Luglio dalle 18:00 alle 24:00 a Piazza S. Sonnino, Roma
Con il nuovo Disegno di legge e sviluppo approvato questa settimana il governo Berlusconi imporrà agli italiani il ritorno ad una [...]
11/07/2009 10:21:13
Please help
Trapped in bear costume, please help unzip
I've been off town and off internet for a while, i'll be back posting something asap, i guess. [...]
10/07/2009 17:04:13
A Very Naughty Bear
@ threadlessby Roni Lagin & Mo Moussa
link, courtesy of Harmonique [...]
07/07/2009 10:46:47
日々の音色 (Hibi no neiro)
Sometimes internet is a wonderful place."This music video was shot for Sour's 'Hibi no Neiro' (Tone of everyday) from their first mini album 'Water [...]
06/07/2009 17:21:02
Distortion x Flowers
by Azuma MakotoChromatic Tuner, - H33cm x W22cm x L3.2cm / Ink Jet Print / Acrylic Photo Frame / Edition of 5, 73,500 YEN
"One might not see the similarity in flowers and music. However, rock or classic, or whatever the genre may be, music is the combining of momentary [...]
04/07/2009 15:16:29
on why She called everyone dahling
[on why she called everyone "dahling"] Because all my life I've been terrible at remembering people's names. I once introduced a friend of mine as [...]
04/07/2009 13:02:29
Ti presento la mia famiglia
Renato Pozzetto, Tomas MilianTratto da "Uno contro l'altro... praticamente amici" del 1981.
Pozzetto: "no, è un po' di nostalgia".. [...]
02/07/2009 17:15:10
Italia, da culla del diritto a covo dell'illegalità
Conferenza pubblica sui recenti sviluppi nelle riforme della giustiziavenerdì 3 luglio 2009, Roma, XI Municipio, ore 17
L’italia vive nel paradosso di essere stata la culla dl diritto pur avendo tutta una storia nazionale inestricabilmente intrecciata con quella [...]
02/07/2009 10:12:03
Christmas song
Shalloboi's Christmas Song is my summer song. I just read They're going to release soon a new album, optimistically entitled all hope is blind: - i'm [...]
01/07/2009 14:16:12
My Honey
no more honeyLa mielosa indie chiude i battenti, ahinoi.
L'indie label My Honey annuncia di star per spegnere le giostre.Non che avessi avuto modo di dedicare abbastanza komakino alle prodezze del Loro [...]
01/07/2009 13:05:51
Bryan Adams
photography(every picture i do) i do it for you
I must confess i bought Bryan Adams' Waking Up the Neighbours LP in 1991, after watching the film Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves: i [...]
01/07/2009 09:12:29
I Have The Power ArtTribute show, 1821 Powell St. San Francisco, CA 94133, June 20 - July 19, 2009, [via double punch]
Pronunciation: \ˈhē-ˌman\ Date: 1758, a strong virile man________He-man, from Merriam-Webster dictionaryAs i can remember, [...]
30/06/2009 17:03:09