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Fridge talking

Hey get back here
13/07/2009 16:49:08

A Very Naughty Bear

@ threadless

by Roni Lagin & Mo Moussa

link, courtesy of Harmonique [...]
07/07/2009 10:46:47

Distortion x Flowers

by Azuma Makoto

Chromatic Tuner, - H33cm x W22cm x L3.2cm / Ink Jet Print / Acrylic Photo Frame / Edition of 5, 73,500 YEN

"One might not see the similarity in flowers and music. However, rock or classic, or whatever the genre may be, music is the combining of momentary [...]
04/07/2009 15:16:29


sweet like a chocholate camera
03/07/2009 11:06:35

Ti presento la mia famiglia

Renato Pozzetto, Tomas Milian

Tratto da "Uno contro l'altro... praticamente amici" del 1981.

Pozzetto: "no, è un po' di nostalgia".. [...]
02/07/2009 17:15:10

Italia, da culla del diritto a covo dell'illegalità

Conferenza pubblica sui recenti sviluppi nelle riforme della giustizia
02/07/2009 10:12:03


I Have The Power Art

Tribute show, 1821 Powell St. San Francisco, CA 94133, June 20 - July 19, 2009, [via double punch]

Pronunciation: \ˈhē-ˌman\ Date: 1758, a strong virile man________He-man, from Merriam-Webster dictionaryAs i can remember, [...]
30/06/2009 17:03:09
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