Live in Copertino (Lecce), 21/11/2009The whole live set @ i sotterranei / undersound festival
Komakino happily supported Piroth's 2009 tour in Italy, managed by HeadphonesMan Agency. The crew of Undersound festival, in Sotterranei, alternative [...]
24/11/2009 11:05:24
Comunicato su momentanea chiusura
L'Init è uno dei pochi locali a Roma che rappresenta una boccata di ossigeno per la Musica Alternativa live. Ma come di regola, l'ossigeno viene a [...]
24/11/2009 10:45:50
Distorted Pony
Live footage, pictures, facebook fan page20th Anniversary shows are being discussed! More as it develops...
Endless thank to my dear friend Antony Olivemakers for founding this on Youtube. But it's just the tip of the iceberg: i define myself a die-hard fan [...]
20/11/2009 10:49:59
The Popup-Book of Phobias
by Gary Greenberg
19/11/2009 17:53:03
Mike Sacks
Ikea instructionsThis way out | illustrated by Julian Sancton
read more.. [...]
19/11/2009 16:44:37
Andrew Dymond
aka DuracellDrums + 8bit Music = wow!
It's all about this guy that started playing Arcade games 8bit music performing them directly by beating drums, with each percussion triggered to a [...]
19/11/2009 14:46:08
Rome is burning again..
..and London too.DCCCXVII A.U.C. & 1666
Se avessi un caminetto, questo sarebbe già a casa mia. [via core77] [...]
18/11/2009 10:26:47
Papercraft self portrait
Halloween 2009by Eric Testroete
"I made this as my costume for Halloween 2009. It was kind of inspired by big-head mode seen in videogames. I really wanted to get the [...]
17/11/2009 10:34:39
What a pity
Yet she could banish her superflous hair entirely
16/11/2009 16:19:05
Sick of Youvideo
The concept of this video was good, but, i'm not that sure about its execution, - and notwistanding the fact Pipers' singer weirdly looks like John Lennon, - this song is still excellent. [...]
16/11/2009 16:05:47
See also:
Do not disturb
the collection
16/11/2009 14:32:18
No Berlusconi Day
5 dicembre 2009, Roma
16/11/2009 13:36:11
Dave & Ug
Discover the Internet!
Somehow disturbing, and interesting at the same time. Gorgeous. The two discover the magic world of Internet thanks to a c64. - Syntax Error, [...]
13/11/2009 14:25:05
I Treni all'Alba
Video Destroyers - Atto I8 video per 8 canzoni - i primi 2.
"L'idea è questa: otto brani dell'album "Folk Destroyers" de I Treni all'Alba affidati alle idee, al cuore e al cervello di otto artisti (nonché [...]
11/11/2009 11:14:59