Un giorno di ordinario silenzio/assenso
Beppe Grillo
"Mattino. Scendi le scale. Porti la spazzatura nei bidoni differenziati.
In ognuno ci sono rifiuti di ogni tipo. Esci in strada. Le [...]
25/01/2010 14:57:12
Due Vite per Caso
by Alessandro AronadioNella colonna sonora del film, canzoni di Father Murphy, Comaneci, Andrea Rottin e Franklin Delano.
Mi arriva una bella notizia dal MadCap Collective."Il film "Due vite per caso" di Alessandro Aronadio, prodotto da A Movie, è stato selezionato per [...]
25/01/2010 13:35:48
Pins! Magnets!
Support komakino fanzine!
Oh yeah! Here they come! Thanks to Smartz' pins&magnets factory, komakino fanzine's goodies are done! Make your fridge indie! Ruin your clothes [...]
25/01/2010 12:00:57
Play the (Youtube) Piano
by Kokokaka
Pretty interesting interactive use of youtube bookmarking options, by Kokokaka. [you must visit the original youtube page to play the piano, the [...]
22/01/2010 15:24:21
by Christoper Lee
[..] group art show entitled "We'll Be Right Back...After These Messages". The show pays homage to the classic cartoons of the 80's and early 90's. [..] [...]
22/01/2010 15:15:51
Night Falls - new full lenght release due to March 2010
It's years i'm waiting to hear a new record signed by Thrushes, excellent emotional shoegaze pop Band from Baltimore, USA: next March is their month, [...]
22/01/2010 13:29:23
Leila Adu
Cherry Pielive in London
Ho visto che Leila Adu ha in programma un paio di date in Italia, - per la precisione a Bologna e Roma, - per presentare il nuovo disco Dark Joan [...]
21/01/2010 15:22:31
Hanger Tea
Breakfast Tea Newsby Soon Mo Kang
Geniale. Che Tea metTea stamatTeana? [...]
21/01/2010 09:24:32
Far Arden
C'è a chi piace corto
Dopo la Far Arden Nacht dello scorso maggio Vz11, Mr. LeBlanche e
il resto del collettivo di registi e montatori celebri per
l'imperdibile Accetta [...]
20/01/2010 14:17:37
The Lego Kitchen
nearly Ikea
"The Lego Kitchen was created by Munchausen, a duo formed by Parisian designers Simon Pillard and Philippe Rosetti, where they customized a basic [...]
17/01/2010 19:59:36
The Memorial of Unsaved Work
Save your time, do not forget to save..
''In beloved memory of all our unsaved works of art, scientific breakthroughs, household spreadsheets, hours of practice and every document that has [...]
14/01/2010 10:01:48
The Smiths
Record Cushion
Sing me to sleep.. Well, actually it's not one of The Queen is Dead, btw, this cushion rocks!Clever idea, - there are others for Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, David Bowie, and more. [...]
13/01/2010 16:40:29
by Olivier Beaudoin
"Film d'animation typographique minimaliste à saveur environnementale, rythmé par la chanson «Nostrand» du groupe Ratatat".A such so simple concept, such so simply excellent. [via MakeMeDance] [...]
13/01/2010 16:14:32
Albert Camus
(7 November 1913 – 4 January 1960)Reportage sur Albert Camus pour les 50 ans de l'anniversaire de sa mort 19/20 Journal National France 3
Albert Camus is still one of my favorite readings since a i was a teen. 2010 celebrates the 50 yrs since His death."Camus died on 4 January 1960 at [...]
13/01/2010 13:03:51
See also: