BIG BANG BIG BOOM''an unscientific point of view on the beginning and evolution of life … and how it could probably end.''
"BIG BANG BIG BOOM: an unscientific point of view on the beginning and evolution of life ... and how it could probably end.better video quality [...]
05/07/2010 13:43:41
This is rock and roll
In yr face, rockers.Ladies and gentlemen..
Kick-ass drummer. [...]
05/07/2010 13:28:47
Sherlock Holmes
feat. Danny Yount interview @ The Art of the Title websiteAn eye on opening and end credit work of movies
You know, right before I was to read the 'about us' section of The Art of the Title, - a website focusing on the art of making movie titles/intros, - [...]
05/07/2010 10:27:06
Cracklin Rosie on a Whole Lotta Mobile Phones
Nerd and cool
Una delle cose più nerd e fighe che ho visto su youtube. Non sono riuscito ad arrivare sino alla fine della canzone, perchè devo uscire subito a [...]
02/07/2010 13:04:29
Cat Claws
feat. RodionL'inno dei mondiali
What can I say. I'm always in late with these kind of news, - plus, I'm also one of the very few italians who doesn't give a *uck about football and [...]
02/07/2010 12:48:06
Radio Dio
"Ormai passati i Torpori Primaverili, dopo aver dato una spolverata alla collezione di vinili contenuta nel nostro Cascione, ci tocca affrontare le [...]
02/07/2010 11:42:03
Crazy 4 Cult
Over 100 artists re-interpreting cult classics
Poster by Mike Mitchell for an exhibit taking place since next week in LA, hosted by Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier.They have this blog, full-filled [...]
02/07/2010 10:44:02
I wish
my drawings would come to Mike Mitchell
[via Who Killed Bambi?] [...]
01/07/2010 20:32:47
Tutto era preda della teatraggine silenziosa
di improvvisati poeti cattolici e satanici
[Da komakino n#6, dicembre 2000]Tutto era preda della teatraggine silenziosa di improvvisati poeti cattolici e satanici. Emozioni falso-straordinarie [...]
28/06/2010 18:40:30
Phone Book
Iphone x Bookby Mobile Art Lab
It looks pretty brilliant to me, - sort of evolution of pop-up books. Okay, probably it'll never have the same magic. Anyway, - sounds creative, - a [...]
28/06/2010 18:05:02
by Marx Duck
Original model, a photo by Michael Romanos. [...]
28/06/2010 14:38:57
Kevin Shields
Soft Focus interview12 Nov 2007
Maybe this is popular out there, - downhere this is the first time I bump into one of Ian Svenonius', here aka Soft Focus, interviews, - in this [...]
28/06/2010 10:41:49
1961, directed by Roger Corman.
Tutti al mare... tutti al mare..''Creature from the Haunted Sea is a 1961 comedy film directed by Roger Corman. Written by Charles B. Griffith, the [...]
27/06/2010 16:56:51