Sea Dweller
Shameless Sea Dweller-promotion: for sure one of my favorite tshirt at moment! "Red blood paint on white tshirt, Love is Coming artwork, - [...]
14/07/2010 14:47:45
The Cure
Killing an ArabThe Stranger
I was a teenager when I first started reading Albert Camus, and - believe or not - my english was even worse than now, so, accidentally, one day it [...]
14/07/2010 11:48:00
Daniel Clowes
Best known for His Ghost World, - Clowe's Wilson is His newest graphic novel, released last May, - and sounds like totally worthy your time. A PDF preview here. More scans from His opus, here. [...]
14/07/2010 11:09:15
See also:
Dave O'Daniel
Metropolis resurrectedsilent movie posters reloaded
Mr Corset has got a special taste for dusting down vintage silent movies, - in this case, for The San Francisco Silent Film Festival, now at its [...]
13/07/2010 14:54:41
Matt McMullen
Honey PieReal dolls.
"..i was always dreaming to sculpt females.." - Mr. Matt McMullen Note NSFW, the below video is not exactly safe for work.Mr. Matt McMullen is into [...]
13/07/2010 13:50:29
Never say no to
Non fate incazzare i panda. It looks like it's a product very popular on the arab market, - never seen downhere in Italy, altough, - I don't think that Panda & Mozzarella may find a link downhere. [...]
12/07/2010 14:31:20
Kidney John
Been out for the weekend
12/07/2010 07:59:12
stasera, live @ sinister noise
Shameless self-promotion: stasera, aria condizionata, indie noise rock condizionato, e shoegaze noise condizionato al sinister noise, ore 22. [...]
10/07/2010 11:37:38
Kite of Lovevideo
Multicolour vid of Kite of Love, for Soundpool's latest record Mirrors In Your Eyes, available on Killer Pimp worldwide. [...]
09/07/2010 11:59:02
Salvador Dali
Lanvin ChocolateAvida Dollars
The story: "a 15-second commercial on French television during which Dali rolled his eyes roguishly and said, ‘I am mad, I am completely mad - over [...]
09/07/2010 11:16:09
Frankly, and personalmente: mi viene il vomito. Uno spot per il turismo in Italia rivolto agli itagliani dall'itagliano attualmente più fiamoso nel [...]
07/07/2010 17:22:07
Pet office
Meow it, but with style[WTF]
Now and then I pay a visit to WTF Japan Seriously: it always makes my day with videos and other Japan-oriented founds that sometimes let me dirty [...]
06/07/2010 17:46:58
Conor Finnegan
Showreel/portfoliofeat. Fluffy Mc Cloud
(Not that) simple and brilliant, simply brilliant. I love questo è dedicato al Federico Immigrato e Rifugiato [...]
06/07/2010 14:46:30
The World's Largest Record Collection
Paul Mawhinneya film by Sean Dunne.
Croce e delizia.. This is from a couple of years ago, but it just popped out today to me while visiting vimeo. Anyway, this is the story of mr. Paul [...]
05/07/2010 17:59:05