Subtle Noise Maker
Handmade pedalsCacophonator
Cacofonia per cacofonici via cacofonatore Se non volete spendere fantastilioni ordinando oltreoceano, c'è chi li fa in casa anche a Roma, FTelettronica. Sbaviamo. [link, thanks Mattia] [...]
10/08/2010 14:59:31
Forks, plastic, skeletonby Lewis Woolner, Elliott Mariess, Ashley Maine, Laura Bowman, Jamie Breach
"What else do you do? / Open Brief - What else do you do?", by Ashley Maine, Elliott Mariess, Jamie Breach; Laura Bowman, Lewis Woolner (originally [...]
10/08/2010 11:27:32
Charles Bukowski
and Robert CrumbBring Me Your Love
Illustrations by R. Crumb for Charles Bukowski's short story, Bring Me Your Love. Black Sparrow Press, 1990. [...]
09/08/2010 11:57:09
When I was a teen, I remember I had a friend of mine that used to eat puzzle pieces; I guess this Pizza Takeaway Jigsaw Puzzle would have been the perfect missing link of his diet. [...]
09/08/2010 11:24:02
Deal with it
09/08/2010 09:55:01
Suitcase Pillow
Take Me Anywhere
04/08/2010 15:18:13
Space invaders
The invasion starts from your couchBy Igor Chak
I know, I know, we must absolutely buy one of this.Hopefully someone will produce this piece soon. [...]
30/07/2010 17:40:28
Nastassja Kinski
That python interviewSnake people
TWIRFMR: People have described you as “the luckiest snake in the world”. Agree or disagree? SNAKE: Agree! Nastassja Kinski was [...]
28/07/2010 17:12:36
Eoin Ryan's comics
From Ireland, Eoin Ryan, tons of black humour flavoured comics, brilliant indeed, - sometimes sacrilegious, crude, and alcune cose non cambieranno [...]
28/07/2010 13:28:41
Daniel Johnston
Hi, how are youAsk to your iphone
This news is kinda old (late 2009), but it often happens to me I am late."Hi How Are You is the first toon-shaded 3d puzzle platform game to arrive [...]
28/07/2010 12:00:12
Jimi Hendrix
Are you experienced?Curriculum Vitae
I mean, this really made my day. Thank You. [...]
27/07/2010 17:55:08
For a week
21/07/2010 19:04:09
Pedro Vidotto
Movies posters, revisitedMinimal and literal.
It is a couple of weeks I see here and there in internet these film posters remakes by Pedro Vidotto, a gifted illustrator from Brazil, - so, You [...]
19/07/2010 11:35:19