Vegetable Suicide
The vegetables are actually alive
22/08/2010 15:01:59
Very nice new video for Thrushes, finest dreampop noise from Baltimore, Canada. The song's lyrics are pretty depressive. A great Band indeed. [...]
19/08/2010 11:44:46
The Book Cover Archive
Designs and designersfeat. Rodrigo Corral
This is pretty interesting. An archive focusing over book designs and designers. Like this piece for Palahniuk's Lullaby, by the talented Rodrigo [...]
18/08/2010 13:47:30
Thomas Forsyth
Drawing TopsThat simple, that clever
"A spinning-top, that uses a pen as the spindle"Kind of automatic random ghirigori, I love that! Thomas Forsyth - Drawing Tops from Thomas Forsyth [...]
16/08/2010 11:14:05
Antoine Helbert
Heros d'enfance
Cool and surreal alternative portraits from a well known imaginery, by the talented Antoine Helbert.Btw, this is just the tip of the iceberg, his opus is huge and clever. [...]
16/08/2010 11:01:10
Lost in translation
pitcure disc LP
I mean, if You put together a perfect soundtrack, the memories of having seen a perfect simple movie by Sophia Coppola featuring Bill Murray, and You [...]
13/08/2010 09:59:55
The Wizard of Oz
Picco di visite
I had a call last night from the CED of komakino. You know, our offices are in a high building in the middle of the city. We have a big huge room [...]
13/08/2010 09:20:32
I'm dating myself
A self-loving photo blog
"A stupid blog dedicated to couples who inexplicably share the same face. We neither confirm nor deny that Photoshop was involved. Just look and [...]
10/08/2010 15:55:31
Subtle Noise Maker
Handmade pedalsCacophonator
Cacofonia per cacofonici via cacofonatore Se non volete spendere fantastilioni ordinando oltreoceano, c'è chi li fa in casa anche a Roma, FTelettronica. Sbaviamo. [link, thanks Mattia] [...]
10/08/2010 14:59:31
Forks, plastic, skeletonby Lewis Woolner, Elliott Mariess, Ashley Maine, Laura Bowman, Jamie Breach
"What else do you do? / Open Brief - What else do you do?", by Ashley Maine, Elliott Mariess, Jamie Breach; Laura Bowman, Lewis Woolner (originally [...]
10/08/2010 11:27:32
Charles Bukowski
and Robert CrumbBring Me Your Love
Illustrations by R. Crumb for Charles Bukowski's short story, Bring Me Your Love. Black Sparrow Press, 1990. [...]
09/08/2010 11:57:09
When I was a teen, I remember I had a friend of mine that used to eat puzzle pieces; I guess this Pizza Takeaway Jigsaw Puzzle would have been the perfect missing link of his diet. [...]
09/08/2010 11:24:02
Deal with it
09/08/2010 09:55:01