Heaven pleaseShow at the bootleg theater in LA before China tour
From Devics' live show in Los Angeles before their recent tour in China.This song is - one more time - a piece of bitter/sweet pleasure/pain for my [...]
10/01/2011 11:20:14
Some Velvet Morning
Lee, NancyLydia, Rowland and the others.
"Some velvet mornin' when I'm straight I'm gonna open up your gate"Well, I wouldn't want to sound that material, but the hidden message and mystery [...]
03/01/2011 18:15:13
FuturistaAnton Giulio Bragaglia
"Inspirada en una fotografía (Dattilografa, 1911) de Anton Giulio Bragaglia, autor futurista, éste es un video realizado con imágenes y sonido de dominio público; cortar, pegar y montar." [...]
03/01/2011 15:43:03
Leila Adu
Dark Joan
03/01/2011 10:00:08
Lonely Drifter Karen
A Roof SomewhereOn a roof, actually.
What's best than starting the new Anno Domini with Lonely Drifter Karen? [...]
03/01/2011 09:30:45
The end is nearInvece no.
"All' 1:30 ora ILLEGALE del maestro Canello, vale a dire la mezzanotte REALE, la città salutò esplodendo l'anno nuovo..." [Fantozzi, - Capodanno, [...]
31/12/2010 09:41:31
(almost) reunionEuropean tour
Era il 1995, 15 lontani anni fa, cristo, ero 17enne, portavo ancora la camicia a quadri aperta fuori dei pantaloni, ed erano giusto un paio di giorni [...]
30/12/2010 11:46:31
A découvrir absolument
Vol. 21Free compilation feat. Peter Kernel, Takka Takka, Dilatazione, Boy & The Echo Choir and Co.
"Faites fumer les modems"Free cozy and cheesy mp3 compilation, featuring 37 perfect (almost) unknown (almost) kicking ass bands, "à découvrir absolutement". Download and believe. [...]
28/12/2010 17:55:27
Cecilia Bianchi
A photo Diary
Cecilia's photo diary features beautiful lomo et non snapshots, from the portraits of local underground gems such as Edible Woman, Lloyd Turner, [...]
28/12/2010 17:17:29
Gilbert Peyre
Createur d'automatesfrom Jean-Pierre Jeunet's film, Micmacs
"Electro-mécano-maniaque déjanté, le plasticien Gilbert Peyre est un inventeur hors norme."I'm a fan of french film maker Jean-Pierre Jeunet: last [...]
27/12/2010 17:39:29
Stereo Stack
A kaleidoscopic wonderland of hi-fi and dual-dynamic vibrancyStereo/mono
A nifty collection of Vintage LP stereo banners. The related archive archive project thirthy-three is interesting as well.***"Stereophonic sound, [...]
21/12/2010 13:29:44