Italian Poster Rock Art
Blog dedicato alla poster art italianaE mostra a Pisa e Firenze.
Qualche anno fa mi lamentavo del fatto che in Italia i poster dei concerti curavano la costipazione. Rispetto l'oltre confine.Poi qualche [...]
12/04/2011 13:46:13
magnetsby Yi Wei Shen
Simple concept, nice done. A set of 4 magnets for $16.00. [...]
12/04/2011 13:12:44
Game Boy music
(but not the kind you're thinking of)unless you already seen this..
Okay, I guess this is the best answer to of all those bands/musicians using game boy as an instrument for their 8bit alternative tunes. Tap it. Creative. [...]
11/04/2011 12:30:17
No thanks, m'am.
I never work Sundays.
09/04/2011 01:13:46
Boris Zabirokhin
Russian Fairy TalesMonsters galore @ Monster Brains
Monster Brains is an amazing blog/archive about monsters and other oddities. Monsters illustrated. More about Boris Zabirokhin, in russian, here. [...]
08/04/2011 05:11:24
Stefano Broli
komakino (s)consigliaLa distanza tra un punto e una retta, esposizione fotografica, 7-12/04 Roma
Ricordo quando agli esordi fotografici, Stefano Broli, aka Loto Nero, mi domandava ingenuamente se dovevamo chiedere il permesso ai gruppi [...]
07/04/2011 11:49:06
See also:
Piccettino aveva un piano
07/04/2011 04:19:54
Mettiamone due.
06/04/2011 15:13:42
Kurt Cobain
rip(February 20, 1967 – c. April 5, 1994)
C'è poco di che aggiungere nostalgia. [...]
05/04/2011 18:49:24
Peter Kernel
The Ticket, Africa, tour 2010smiling smiling, you're smiling on my grave
1. Peter Kernel posted a free download mp3 of Africa from their last vinyl EP, The Ticket (2009) 2. It's never too late: I just come from [...]
05/04/2011 16:48:48
See also:
A Hawk and a Hacksaw
I Am Not A Gambling ManStasera live a Roma
In tour per promuovere il nuovo disco Cervantine, A Hawk and a Hacksaw arrivano a piedi dalla campagna, stasera sono all'Init, apertura h 21,30 [...]
05/04/2011 15:37:00
Batman and Robin
go out after dressing up as two transvestites.I haven’t had much fun since college…
Too easy to say something. [...]
05/04/2011 13:27:35
Black Metal Valentine
For the corpsepainted necrolord in love!
In last years it is like everyone tags his band 'shoegaze' to mean 'indie' and 'black-metal' to mean 'shoegaze'. That's kind confusing and annoying. [...]
05/04/2011 12:43:03