Extreme Sheep LED Art
Because we're (almost) all sheeps."We took to the hills of Wales armed to the teeth with sheep, LEDs and a
camera, to create a huge amazing LED [...]
20/06/2011 11:46:21
Be Forest
Buck & CrowLive video @ Cellar Theory, Naples
Again, one of my favorite new band this year. Buy their record, here. [...]
19/06/2011 15:24:54
Barballo meets Romano
New track for our beloved Barbagallo featuring Matteo Romano, drummer from Io Monade Stanca. Trainsick powered. [...]
17/06/2011 11:12:22
Miranda July
The Future
17/06/2011 10:47:06
Frau Franz
Ceci n'est pas un pipeIn the mourning
Mo(u)rning penis humour-like comics and other amenities, drawn by a brilliant girl from Berlin, Aisha Franz aka Frau Franz. [...]
17/06/2011 09:51:37
Bell - videoFour shows in July
Oh jeez, I have always loved a lot Swirlies, - been instant love, actually. Pure sedated frenzy, sick guitar bending, lo-fi noise pop dissonance, - [...]
16/06/2011 15:38:10
Peter Kernel
Anthem of Heartsnew video, new single
What's best than rolling in the grass?Answer: rolling around in the grass, making it with your friends, making a video of it, and filming it for your [...]
14/06/2011 14:13:14
See also:
The Victorian English Gentlemens Club
The 405's A Thousand WordsNew record out today!
From The 405 webmagazine:"Welcome to the new 405 feature, 'A Thousand Words'. The idea is that we get bands we like to interpret one of their [...]
14/06/2011 11:16:57
Volevo embeddizzare l'estratto dell'anteprima del TG4 di ieri sera, tanto per fare informazione, ma come potete VEDERE, č stato rimosso per [...]
14/06/2011 10:13:15
Referendum 12-13 giugno 2011
Nel caso Vi fosse passato di mente..Sė, Sė, Sė e Sė.
read more.. [...]
10/06/2011 15:56:27
See also:
Jacket Lunch Box
10/06/2011 14:36:13
Pocket Calculator pocket cassette version(Sono l'operatore del mini calcolatore)
1981 is around the corner. Actually, maybe something more, like over 30 years. Nice tumblr.Kraftwerk's Pocket Calculator, for Discoring, TV Show from [...]
10/06/2011 12:39:53
Bodoni Bedlam pop-up book
An alphabet pop-up bookVictoria Macey
Geniale!, pop-up books are always charming, but this is simply gorgeous!"An alphabet pop-up book, which displays the font, Bodoni, while telling a [...]
09/06/2011 13:30:40
Spotlight Kid
Plan Comes Apartvideo
Straight bpm, sick curves of abrasive guitar sound, - trascendental noise pop energy, - Plan Comes Apart is the first single taken [...]
09/06/2011 11:29:19