Benjamin Dewey
Tragedy SeriesUnsolved mystery
Simply brilliant.More tragedies, here.More from Benjamin Dewey's mind, there. [...]
16/03/2012 10:16:03
Writers mugs
block print portraits of great thinkers
14/03/2012 15:04:49
Chaos Physique
Stasera a RomaKomakino (s)consiglia
Stasera suonano all'Init di Roma, in quei di via della stazione tuscolana, quella dietro all'arco a senso unico per la casilina vecchia di moto [...]
09/03/2012 10:10:36
Charles Bukowski
(born Heinrich Karl Bukowski; August 16, 1920 - March 9, 1994)Don't try
My first nice-to-read-you with Bukowski was Factotum. I was, I think, like 21 22 years old. A day before I went to buy this book, I remember I saw a [...]
09/03/2012 00:08:12
Colette Saint Yves
Virginia & Frances.And Elizabeth
"Collage using pictures of Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe and Frances Sargent Osgood, a close friend of Edgar Allan Poe.""[..] In 1845, Poe had begun a [...]
07/03/2012 12:13:48
Be forest, Peter KernelI love when these things happen
Two bands I love. Not the same pair of shoes.<a href="">Hanged Man by Be Forest.</a> <a [...]
06/03/2012 00:22:24
Sea Dweller
Signs of a perfect disasterLP PRE-ORDER now available
"Signs of a perfect disaster is the new album from SEA DWELLER follow up to the collection of eps Love is coming published on the german label [...]
05/03/2012 15:00:23
Be Forest
A AstoriaKomakino (s)consiglia
I Be Forest Suoneranno Sabato sera tre marzo all’Astoria. Il basement torinese ospiterà il gruppo di Pesaro nella ormai classica cornice [...]
02/03/2012 14:43:36
Remko Scha
Machine Guitars1982
"Remko J. H. Scha [..] made recordings of music which has been generated by motor-driven machines. One example of this type of music is his [...]
29/02/2012 16:03:20
Peter Kernel
Organizing optimizing timevideo
Mi succede sempre quando stendo il bucato. "Organizing optimizing time" is the 4th single taken from the album "White Death & Black Heart" [...]
29/02/2012 13:55:30
See also:
Ven 02/03/2012, Bilbolbul, BolognaKomakino (s)consiglia
Inesauribili. I ragazzi di Resina Fanzine ce lo dimostrano proponendo una nuova interessante uscita: P-resina. A soli cinque mesi da Resina #2 che [...]
28/02/2012 15:17:38
Robert Crumb
Philip K. DickThe religious experience of
The Religious Experience of Philip K. Dick by R. Crumb from Weirdo #17 - full issue posted here. [...]
24/02/2012 16:46:11
A Bologna e RomaKomakino (s)consiglia
Scoperti qualche giorno fa, ed è instant love. Un po' di XX, The Cure, Broadcast, Joy Division. Fatemelo dire.Stasera suonano a Bologna, e domani a [...]
24/02/2012 06:12:48
Be Forest
Hanged Mantwo new tracks, one official video out
"We’re delighted to premiere the video (directed by Lorenzo Musto and Erica Terenzi) for 'Hanged Man', a brand new song by Pesaro’s new-wave [...]
23/02/2012 12:06:31