Peter Bristol
Clip Bag
21/05/2013 16:00:18
Bat-Manga!The Secret History of Batman in Japan
"[..] a Japanese shōnen manga adaptation of the American comic book series Batman by Jiro Kuwata simply entitled Batman [...]
20/05/2013 17:18:02
Butcher Billy
Ian Curtisand other Heroes from the 80's
Really, really well-done.And RIP Ian Curtis. [...]
18/05/2013 05:23:29
Welcome cardsSincerely yours
By Chris Mundy and Greg Lockhart, aka Hubbawelcome.More beautiful pieces, here. [...]
16/05/2013 16:56:25
The Charlottes
Interview, ITV's Transmission"who do they hope buys Charlottes records?"
I'm really into The Charlottes, since at least a decade, now. It was already too late, I know. But I still think they are fucking underrated. So [...]
16/05/2013 16:12:27
See also:
John Holcroft
Well being at workfrom Lindgren & Smith archive
Amazing portfolio, truly an inspiration. [...]
06/05/2013 11:58:37
Joy Division
Unknown PleasuresBooks poster, on etsy
Listen to these books."This is a print of Joy Division's 1979 debut studio album - if it had been written in book form instead of recorded as a set [...]
17/04/2013 16:00:21
H.G. Wells
The War of the WorldsIllustrated by Edward Gorey
Okay, I want this. [via]"When massive, intelligent aliens from Mars touch down in Victorian England and threaten to destroy the civilized world, [...]
12/04/2013 17:18:12
Drug Stuck
In the mood for loveFine print
Quite nicely. Well executed./ US$200 for a set of full-sized art prints (62cm x 81cm), limited run of 50.// US$60 for one A2 art print (this means [...]
12/04/2013 15:47:23
Count On Usofficial video and Traps record
Again: Manuok is one best-kept-secret pop gem. Sadly underrated.Count on us is from Traps, released last September via Grimoon and Macaco rec. [...]
11/04/2013 13:35:38
See also:
Kill Your Boyfriend
Chesterofficial video
Chester is Kill Your Boyfriend's first official video (there's Marco Fontolan of Kitsune who I recognize so far), from an upcoming record [...]
10/04/2013 11:40:30
Hot Gossip
Love Murdersofficial video
From Hopeless. Didn't I really review this record? I loved it.Stay inside the white magic circle and watch this vid.Female singer is Adeline Fargier. [...]
09/04/2013 14:31:49
Edible Woman
Safe and Soundlive
Performed at Dalla Cira, Pesaro, on the 6th of March 2013.No keys this round, good version. [...]
08/04/2013 14:33:08
The ShiningMovie poster reloaded
Again, Reelizer is an amazing repository for creative graphic illustrations. This piece, by Peter Strain. [...]
08/04/2013 09:51:39
See also: