Gilles Barbier
Heroes hospice
- Gilles Barbier is somewhat provocative, as well even ironic and cruel when in 2002 He presented his exibith 'L'Hospice',
featuring lots of marvel [...]
18/04/2007 16:53:44
Edward Gorey
next to the big screen
- Edward Gorey's The Doubtful Guest
- lyrical quirky story of an unexpected pinguin jumping into a
victorian sinister family's life - is going to [...]
15/04/2007 18:30:38
Keith Rowe
Prepared guitar
Breve guida per aspiranti meccanici del suono (nel vero senso della parola). In questo video Keith Rowe fa uso dei suoi indimenticabili oggettini di [...]
10/04/2007 15:36:09
- I know i should write down records reviews instead of these random
internet founds.. btw, how could i resist to link to this special
galleries [...]
04/04/2007 14:25:08
Miranda July
no one belongs here more than you
- Miranda July, the creative chick behind opus Me and You and Everyone We Know, just made a new website to launch Her new stories book entitled
04/04/2007 11:03:55
marzo 2007
in march i felt much better thanks to massive listenings of:
Ø. airiel - winks & kisses
Ø.Ø. betika - halflove
Ø.Ø.Ø. blonde redhead - 23 [...]
02/04/2007 13:30:38
quanto mi cocorode il cù.
Le Cocorosie suonano a roma venerdì prossimo. E a me piacciono molto. Suonano al circolo degli artisti. Circolo che immagino voglia diventare un [...]
02/04/2007 13:30:28
smile, shot.
- Each dentist in studio should have a sampler shelf of SmileyCams (read Lomo, of course).. It's a new 110mm pinhole camera, one more Lomo's crazy [...]
29/03/2007 14:40:16
Levni Yilmaz
Tales Of Mere Existence
- Tales Of Mere Existence saga, by a talented guy named Levni,
completly delighted my day.. His stories of daily isolationism,
alienated [...]
28/03/2007 09:13:40
Adam Aronofsky
Montana Meth Project
I never seen any other movie like Aronofsky's Requiem for a Dream:
so painful, touching and beautiful - at the same time. Each time my
mind returns [...]
27/03/2007 17:56:37
Mi sono comprato un tovik. Che è quanto di più norvegese ho ora in casa, oltre ai dischi dei Motorpsycho e foto di un passato trip per Oslo. Voglio [...]
27/03/2007 13:55:21
Sara Lov
3 Songs ep to be released
Sara Lov of Devics is going to release a solo album, anticipated by a 3 Songs ep, next to be pressed. Helped by Dustin O'Halloran, Ed Maxwell, Zach [...]
22/03/2007 15:22:29
See also:
Shannon Wright
Let in the Light, - to be released
As i was previously writing (in italian) about my beloved Shannon Wright going to release a new album on 8th may, entitled Let in the Light.. i [...]
14/03/2007 12:25:44
See also: