Again: my apologies to everyone who sent me promotional CDs for a
review.. there's a little menacing pile of releases waiting to get some
more [...]
20/03/2008 18:30:08
I'd say something gone wrong with Racha Chooros meat seasoning (from Thailand), by advertising agency Far East DDB Bangkok, enlightened with a [...]
13/03/2008 12:50:33
io ho uno cazzo grando e perfecto non è un personale vanto anatomico, nè come affermazione fallocentrica gode in sè di perfezionismo grammaticale, [...]
11/03/2008 16:43:21
Quintronics Cypress Drumbox
Quintronics Cypress Drumbox. - That's a great invention.
Fresh Kills self-produced ten specimens of a [...]
10/03/2008 13:38:03
Tree Jewelry
And now, something definitively superfluous
07/03/2008 17:53:24
Date Scarlett
Do it for the children!
Please, donate to komakino US $50,000, i must , i must meet Scarlett (Ebay auction, Item location: TBD, United States), on the red carpet, - for benefaction. [...]
07/03/2008 17:42:35
in Lost
Ok, i think this is maybe the most well-founded theory about Lost and the whole time-travelling thing.
- It's full of spoilers, especially if [...]
04/03/2008 18:08:42
Whole Human
Non tutti i lavori nobilitano l'uomo.
'A response to the similarities between many office working condition and battery farmed hens.' - by USdesign studio, UK.
Non tutti i lavori [...]
04/03/2008 16:18:35
Paul Wysocan
'Then, he feels his skin fade away as the room turns dark and cool'.
Alpha is a man head-shaped illustrated book by Paul Wysocan, brilliant 'art [...]
04/03/2008 14:13:23
David Trueba
4 AmiciCurrently reading..
'[..] No. Sono convinto che nessuno abbia bisogno di sentire un'altra opinione. Il mondo è pieno di opinioni, tutti hanno il loro cazzo di [...]
04/03/2008 13:11:10
February on my shoulders
Music means Oxygen even one more time, especially if You turnt 30yrs old, - so, priceless greetings to:
±± colleen - les ondes silencieuses
±± [...]
03/03/2008 15:26:03
Lettera breve e anonima a
'Cara Björk Guðmundsdóttir, mi chiamo P.M. e sono un Tuo fan sin da quando su Videomusic negli anni 90 vidi per la prima volta il video di human [...]
28/02/2008 09:59:49