Paul Chan
Oh why so serious?
via The Renaissance Socitety at the University of Chicago, from Paul Chan's My laws are my whores exhibit. [...]
06/04/2009 17:51:05
Quando la Natura si fa inequivocabilmente manifesta agli occhi di tutti come con la tragedia sismica di oggi, torna palese l'idea soffocata dalla [...]
06/04/2009 11:37:56
so how do i get her courage?
More: _Everyone’s got a soft spot for lego…__Vader later regretted not getting the wolfman mask___Han’s best friend - was he toilet trained?____I [...]
04/04/2009 08:44:39
Kenji Yanobe
Tanking MachineJust in case You thought a post-nuclear life would be worth living..
"The tank is filled with a physiological solution of sodium chloride that is heated to approximately body temperature where one floats in a state [...]
03/04/2009 12:33:58
Father Murphy
live, stasera
Stasera a Rrrrroma, suonano Father Murphy (Boring Machines rec), - con Økapi (Inflatabl rec) in apertura, - un concerto da non perdere, [...]
03/04/2009 10:09:05
"What is it??" - Queen Elizabeth II
Berlusconi blatantly calls Obama, at the end of a group photo session during g20. - Looks like Her Majesty says "What's that noise? Uh, Berlusconi, [...]
02/04/2009 09:50:03
Saul Steinberg
Girl in Bathtub, 1949
"Saul Steinberg was born in Romania in 1914. In 1933, after a year studying philosophy at the University of Bucharest, he enrolled in the Politecnico [...]
01/04/2009 16:11:30
John Coltrane
A Love Supreme - youtube1965, Antibes, France
A supreme wednesday morning. "The quartet only played A Love Supreme live once — in July 1965 at a concert in Antibes, France." [cfr wiki] [...]
01/04/2009 09:21:21
See also:
Facebook: would you really accept an add-req from your boss?
27/03/2009 12:20:03
See also:
Jennifer Gentle
madhouse + popporno @ prontialpeggio
Ok, komakino is overfilled with posts about Jennifer Gentle. That simply means we love Them! At prontialpeggio there's a bloguethequesque attitude of [...]
26/03/2009 16:31:08
See also:
live, tonight
Barzin è uno di quelli che tocca due note di chitarra, dice due parole, e Tu avverti improvvisamente un senso di sacro e liricità che Ti spezza in [...]
26/03/2009 10:44:11
Vintage Early 1959 w/ BIRDSEYE NECK / Ebay auction"This Jazzmaster is from one of the first production runs and would have been overseen by the great man himself ... Leo Fender!"
Ok, this is porn. And this is also a declaration of love. And this is a time travel, to 1958/59.Buy me this now, GBP 3.295,00 @ ebay: even more [...]
26/03/2009 09:23:56