The Wagon(6tx cd, - ChewZ rec 'o7)
Fabio Battistetti, aka Eniac, Turin, Italy, is really somehow musically related with the short He named himself after: Electronic Numerical [...]
29/03/2007 14:06:30
Indies(30tx free internet release, 112'36" - Peteran rec 'o7)
Beh, quello che ha fatto la neo-indie Peteran rec è stato furbo quanto gratuito. Ovvero, mettere online una compi di 30 gruppi indie, mp3 cadauno [...]
28/03/2007 16:21:26
Halflove(14tx cd, 46'o5" - pawthorn rec 'o6)
It was years i didn't year news from death-pop group Betika [read past komareview for Heads Smashed in by the Boy/Girl Thing], an amazing Band from [...]
22/03/2007 10:06:45
See also:
SS ON GS(9tx cd, 28'46" - struprobrucio rec 'o7)
After almost two years since 2 tracks s/t [read past komareview], Hawaii8 releases His first full-lenght album, redefining His crepuscular love for [...]
20/03/2007 12:21:46
Drink To Me
Organic(4tx internet mp3, 12'36" - Midfinger rec)
Che i Drink To Me [leggi passata intervista] passino da uno struprobrucio (records) ad un dito medio (records), beh, è di sicuro freudiano. Cmq ciò [...]
16/03/2007 14:37:03
(10tx cd, 37'35" - self-prod. 'o7)
They are a trio from illinois, usa, - Constant Velocity offer an accessible still quirky melodic indie rock, here live recorded as a promotional [...]
09/03/2007 13:42:39
As in Open Space(3tx CDR ep, 21'18" - Marsiglia rec 'o7)
Ep anche da download gratuito (vige la ccmsl), il quintetto genovese, al secondo disco, sciorina un mieloso melenso post-Mogwai in dinamiche [...]
08/03/2007 16:18:08
Plasma Expander
s/t(7tx cd, 36'39" - Wallace / Here I Stay rec 'o7)
Coprodotto da due indie, una praticamente storica (se l'indie in italia ha storia, credo una parte la deve alla Wallace), l'altra che mette i dentini [...]
07/03/2007 13:54:48
Lonely Drifter Karen
SinSweeTime(4tx ep, 15'45" - Fettkakao 'o6)
Tanja Frinta is a happy random internet found.. from Vienna, currently living in Sweden, She is an amazing inspired creature, able to create some [...]
06/03/2007 10:46:56
(2+2tx 7", 10'28" - Cragstan Astronaut rec 'o7)
Split a due per i nostrani genovesi Blown Paper Bags e il trio californiano Experimental Dental School, all'insegna di un bizzarro punk carnevalesco [...]
05/03/2007 17:20:20
s/t(8tx cd, 22'14" - Here I Stay rec 'o7)
Registrato lo scorso anno, esce solo ora il buon album su copertina rosa anonima, debutto dei sardi Golfclvb, sull'altrettanto sarda indie Here [...]
26/02/2007 12:55:01
Uncode Duello
Ex Æquo(12tx cd, 44'13" - Wallace rec 'o7)
Paolo Cantù e Xabier Iriondo si ritrovano per un secondo capitolo dopo il s/t del 2005 (leggi passata komarecensio), passando dalle precedenti serie [...]
13/02/2007 17:35:43
by Mike McGonigal(33 1/3 book, 128pg, Continuum, £6.99, 9.95 USD)
[traduzione in italiano qui] As a matter of fact, My Bloody Valentine's Loveless signed the perfectionism of a trascendental sound research, - and [...]
12/02/2007 10:22:03
A Tale is Just a Lie(5tx cdr, 21'17" - self-prod. 'o6)
Synthpop e new-wave la fanno da padrone, nel drumming e sequencer (particolarmente accattivanti sul finale quasi aggressivo di Trigger). - I [...]
31/01/2007 16:38:25
The Artificial Sea
City Island(10tx cd, 36'39" - Travelling Music rec 'o6)
Damn good debut for Artists Kevin C. Smith (NY, usa) and Alina Simone (Kharkiv, Ukraine), The Artificial Sea's core. Tunnel Visions is on heavy [...]
26/01/2007 14:20:32
Petals(9tx cd, 71'58" - Endless December rec 'o6)
New full-lenght release for kansas city Shalloboi trio [read past komareviews: Invisible Against The Sun, and Blue Eyed], a new chapter collecting 3 [...]
24/01/2007 15:35:10