Between Two Cities(4tx cd, 25'59" - GalaSono rec'o7)
Years after beautiful debut release goth/shoegaze release From The Aether [read past komareview] now australian Ostia more firmly step inside a [...]
31/08/2007 09:20:27
Get the People
s/t(17tx cd, 44'51" - Ruminance rec 'o7)
Avant folk pop Music with a collage of brief experimental psychedelic percussive excurses, just not to forget there's Kevin Shea at drums, even if [...]
28/08/2007 11:04:07
See also:
Giuseppe Culicchia
Il Paese delle Meraviglie
Il buono dell'estate, anzi, una delle poche di buono
dell'estate, - č che riesco a finire un libro in pochi giorni. Ma forse
non c'entra nulla con [...]
27/08/2007 15:13:29
See also:
Go Go Smear The Poison Ivy(12tx cd, 44'o5" - Fat Cat rec 'o7)
Apro quel carillon che ha disegnato tutta una storia sui bordi, con belle fatine islandesi, con notti lunghe sei mesi e albe infinite, e parte la [...]
13/08/2007 15:25:17
Smack Bunny Baby(11tx cd, 36'o7" - Grass rec '93)
Better late than ever, - btw, i come from buying this (used) CD at ebay for like 3 euros (what a shame!), - and it's still a bright jewel [...]
10/08/2007 09:27:59
The Sky Drops duo (feat. ex Smashing Orange
Rob Montejo), usa, are on the way of bliss-out guitars and straight pop
drumming, boy/girl vocals, - [...]
09/08/2007 15:30:05
Almandino Quite Deluxe
Violent Potato(9tx cd, 20'13" - Wallace rec 'o7)
I guess there's nothing more primitive and blues-core (and even plausible) in italy than two-piece combo Almandino Quite Deluxe, featuring She and [...]
09/08/2007 12:47:17
Autumn Of The Seraphs(11tx cd, 44'o5" - touch&go rec 'o7)
I've been always in loved with Pinback, but personally i think this fourth release presents itself with a horrible cover art - it looks like [...]
09/08/2007 10:27:57
See also:
Gioacchino Turų
C'č Chi E' Morto Sul Tagadā(17tx cdR, 41'20" StuproBrucio rec 'o7)
Chiamiamolo divertissement melodico elettronico per musicare la propria dialettica ironica, raccontata con tono falso-teatrante e pop, - questo č [...]
07/08/2007 08:53:24
Happy Boys Cry Loud(11tx cd, 36'53" - here i stay rec 'o7)
June are not from Scotland or Manchester, - although They even might be, seen Their lovely pop perfectionism, musically alien in italy (and it [...]
06/08/2007 10:50:46
See also:
Bron Y Aur
Millenovecentosettantatre(15tx cd, 50'51" - wallace rec 'o7)
Oramai da oltre 10 anni insieme, i Bron Y Aur hanno sviluppato diverse forme di evoluzioni roteanti intorno all'avant rock '70 [leggi passate [...]
03/08/2007 09:16:41
Soccer Committee
s/t(8tx cd, 23'26" - Morc rec 'o7)
I bought Soccer Committee's debut short album after listening a brief extract at Morc Tapes' page, - and i bet for sure that was exactly what i [...]
26/07/2007 10:04:27
Ok, it looks like the so-called nu-gaze scene is taking place in northern europe, - more precisely in Norway: Maribel came to my attention with a [...]
25/07/2007 17:13:26
s/t(12tx cd, 45'32" - Darla rec 'o7)
Presented as brand new flaghship at Darla rec, although this boy/girl duo from Denmark pays heavy duties to Cocteau Twins and Love Spirals Downwards, [...]
23/07/2007 15:57:09
Mary Timony Band
The Shapes We Make(10tx cd, 46'45" - Kill Rock Stars 'o7)
Mary Timony's back with a catchy new release (guitarist Brendan Canty of Fugazi @ production) taking the best of previous Ex Hex combo [...]
23/07/2007 10:34:50
Sun Come Undone(11tx cd, 40'59" - Birdnote rec 'o7)
Cool, two cute buttons for free! - that is my first thought as i opened the package and i seen the whistling bird on a pin, - package containing [...]
20/07/2007 13:01:29