Capputtini 'i Lignu
Capputtini'i Lignu 7inches(4tx 7'' - 1omin - Shit Music for Shit People 'o9)
Boy plus girl fantastic, - combat lo-fi two piece, bluesy garage 'n roll, that kind of lo-fi attitude that recently people and mags learnt to love [...]
07/10/2009 12:16:17
Scary Mansion
Every Joke Is Half the Truth(12tx CD, 38'3o'' - Zum / Talitres 'o8)
One more beautiful record in your collection to get depressed. I meant inspired. Released in 2008, and licensed in Europe only this year, - leaden by [...]
06/10/2009 14:33:09
Safe Haven(12tx CD, 48'14'' - Oma Gusti rec 'o9)
Piroth young sisters are like Pony Up!'s swedish cousins, - that's first my impression. - Maybe because of Their genuine naive approach to this [...]
05/10/2009 11:30:13
Men Who Hate Women(8tx CD - 28'53'' - Moi Mercenaire rec 'o9)
Ok, this is a brilliant as well eclectic band homerecording from Sicily, Italy, - originally meant as solo project for Francesco Cipriano, - later [...]
02/10/2009 16:06:05
Hi, We're Jonesin'(1otx tape, w/ free mp3 to download - Shit Music for Shit People 'o9)
"Matt Jones and his bride to be Jenny, sing catchy tongue-in-cheek tunes about roller-skates, love, and space aliens under a haze of pot smoke and [...]
29/09/2009 12:35:13
Rachel Grimes
Book Of Leaves(14tx CD, 36'45'' - Ruminance 'o9)
Differently from what most people would think, the Band called Rachel's did not take its name from Their pianist Rachel Grimes, seen She joined later [...]
28/09/2009 16:47:30
Michael Muhammad Knight
Islampunk(Titolo originale ''The Taqwacores'' - Newton Compton, 318 pp - €9,90)
In America non c’è solo l’Islam degli Imam e della Jihad. C’è anche un Islam che cerca di rinnovarsi, pur non rinnegando le proprie radici culturali. [...]
28/09/2009 10:19:28
Japanese Gum
Hey Folks! Nevermind, We Are All Falling Down(11tx CD, 51'00'' - Friend Of Mine, ’o9)
Qualche mese fa avevamo lasciato i Japanese Gum alle prese con la release dell’ep Without You I’m Napping, lavoro breve ma intenso e chiaramente [...]
21/09/2009 17:47:22
Black Box Nation
Futurista(6tx CDr, 21'24'' - Self-prod. 'o9)
Black Box Nation is a fully respectable Milan-based post-punk, new-wave Band, - still unsigned, still unknown. Differently from last year promo, this [...]
18/09/2009 11:39:25
See also:
Blue Silk
EA(4tx CDr, - 28'38'' - self-prod. 'o9 - free download)
Boundary of new age music, porn for an academy of music - probably due to the close-up role of the electroharp; - it's a three piece orchestra [...]
17/09/2009 11:23:21
The Precious Prize of Gravity(6tx CD, Temporary Residence Limited rec 'o9)
Ok questa recensione non è del tutto tempestiva. Però visto che siamo in vista del ritorno ufficiale dei Bellini in tour nella nostra penisola e che [...]
16/09/2009 11:32:17
Above the Tree
Minimal Love(15tx CD, 38'o2'' - Boring Machines 'o9)
Psych-folk Music, free spirit, one-man band, one more boring machine, Marco Bernacchia, aka Above the Tree, second full-lenght release, is our key [...]
15/09/2009 10:36:18
See also:
Io Monade Stanca
the impossibile story of bubu(7tx CD, African Tape 'o9)
Io Monade Stanca da Cuneo. Finalmente un gruppo che gioca d'astuzia. Più che un disco matematico o di math rock è un manuale sulla teoria del caos. [...]
14/09/2009 10:11:31
See also:
Kingdom of Welcome Addiction(11tx CD, 48'26'' - 61 seconds rec 'o9)
Chris Corner from the Sneaker Pimps is Iamx, - at his third chapter here, - it's total patiné hard-core club-oriented music, epic and blasting [...]
11/09/2009 16:36:16
Lili Refrain
s/t(7tx CD, 32'55 - self prod. 'o7)
This young girl from Rome is addicted to RC-2, - it is like Her door to walk into a trascendental state of hypnosis. Wiki time: RC-2 is [...]
10/09/2009 10:19:22
Tapso II
s/t(7tx CD, 34'31'' - Tapso rec 'o9)
Once again, - no doubt there's a deep-rooted post-[..]-post whatever-You-want post-rock scene in Sicily, Italy - especially bloomed in last 5/6 [...]
08/09/2009 13:01:12