David Foster Wallace
Questa è l'acquaEinaudi stile libero, 166pp | 16,50 euro
Ad ormai un anno dalla sua tragica scomparsa, Einaudi rende omaggio al talento di David Foster Wallace licenziando una raccolta di alcune short [...]
17/11/2009 12:53:31
The Calorifer is Very Hot!
Evolution on Stand-by(12tx CD, 35'22'' - we were never boing boring collective 'o9)
I'm kinda new to The Calorifer is Very Hot!, - it's a couple of years i read Their name here and there, - and, blame on me, only recently i realized [...]
17/11/2009 08:48:19
We Were Not There For The Beginning, We Won't Be There For The End(10tx CD, 58'o5'' - Distraction rec 'o9)
From Mantova, northern Italy, but label-based in New Castle, UK, with Distraction rec, - Tempelhof debut with a collection of idm/shoegazing [...]
16/11/2009 12:23:18
No one but us(11tx CD, 41'38'' - Materia Principale 'o9)
A brilliant debut album, - there are a bunch of good aces to play with, here. Pipers are from Naples, Italy, an exciting four piece Band playing [...]
05/11/2009 14:25:07
See also:
Culture Reject
s/t(11tx CD, 35'16'' - White Whale rec 'o9)
Monicker for Michael O'Connell's solo project, - From Toronto, Canada, - debut album, it's like going on holiday in Cuba with AU (Museums) and [...]
04/11/2009 17:11:30
Lotus Plaza
The floodlight collective(10tx CD, 44'52'' - Kranky rec 'o9)
I mean, this review should just start saying that Lotus Plaza is by one of the Deerhunter kids, - Lockett Pundt's solo project, one-man band, - and [...]
02/11/2009 15:18:04
See also:
Fugues Unreleased Tracks 2009(13tx CD, Fugues/debruit&desilence '09
Fugues is a collective from Paris, Debruit et Desilence is a record label. I can say that the themes of fugue, bruit (noise) and silence, are [...]
30/10/2009 10:05:31
Chaos Physique
The science of chaotic solutions(8tx CD, 43'36'' - Jestrai rec 'o9)
Amaury Cambuzat, formerly Ulan Bator and Faust, debuts with a new project, Chaos Physique, - three piece band, a psychedelic kraut rock journey in 8 [...]
29/10/2009 10:36:30
Scared of Ferret(11tx CD, 38'24'' - Silber rec 'o9)
That's a toxic tinkering album. It's stoned psychdelic Music, with a slight jazz-esque background, from the brainchild of Mae Starr and Monte Trent [...]
27/10/2009 14:25:29
Brian Harnetty & Bonnie Prince Billy
Silent City(12tx CD, 41'14'' - Ruminance 'o9)
Needless to say again Bonnie 'Prince' Billy is an amazing musician, songwriter and his vocals can tear You apart. But, shit, i cannot but write this [...]
22/10/2009 08:50:22
Joe Frawley Ensemble
Daughters of Industry(7tx internet release - free/donate download, 25'o1'' self-prod. 'o9)
"I think of it as a fever dream of a young American girl in severe economic distress.", - Joe Frawley writes. - Actually it sounds like an [...]
21/10/2009 15:41:22
Kumar Solarium(11tx CD, 39'29'' - Foolica rec 'o9)
From Turin, Italy, a four boys band working on the perfect connection between white funk, electronic pop music and your legs, demanding you to dance [...]
19/10/2009 12:15:28
Basendrums(13tx CD, 5o'34'' - Extemporate rec 'o9)
Nicholas Slaton and Ian Davis, USA, North Carolina, shaped in a unique form taking name basendrums, that is, bass and experimental electronics [...]
16/10/2009 17:19:27
Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inventions
Through The Devil Softly(12tx CD, 56'36'' - Nettwerk rec 'o9)
Long awaited second chapter for Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inventions, about 8 years after that gem called Bavarian Fruit Bread. I guess that [...]
14/10/2009 10:29:16
See also:
Hateful Town / A Second Replayed Murder(2tx – 7'', 8'30''ca – Safranin Sound, 'o9)
Dalla Francia con rumore. Ma anche con tanto dream-pop e tanta voglia di melodia. Il 7'' in oggetto fa seguito a Not What Happens, disco [...]
13/10/2009 10:04:13
Soundtrack(12tx CD, 56',27'' - Musicaoltranza Digital Label, 'o9)
Semplicemente le iniziali del propri nomi ad incorniciare dodici gemme cristalline. Alessandro e Michele ci danno una propria versione di quella [...]
12/10/2009 10:45:13