The Bidons
Granma Killer!!!(8tx CD - Area Pirata rec, 2012)
Se si ha qualcosa da dire è un sacrosanto diritto ed un estenuante dovere trovare qualcuno che ti possa ascoltare.In questa occasione i The Bidons [...]
31/08/2012 11:16:01
Belong to you(4tx EP, 15'52'' - Foolica rec 2012)
Higly enjoyable, sort of LCD Soundsystem vs Mahjongg, in a way less dense and complicated, still, with high dance friendly hooks (EP's [...]
30/08/2012 11:18:30
Parallel 41
s/t(9tx CD + DVD, 44'33'' - Baskaru rec 2012)
Italian/Canadian two-piece band, finally at debut release, after years of solo and side projects. A full length album of 'extemporary and [...]
27/08/2012 13:16:31
See also:
Les Rivals
Who are you?(2tx, 7'' vinyl, Close Up rec - 2009)
L’estate è sempre un periodo strano per il sottoscritto. Più cresco e più questa stagione ha perso pian piano il suo reale significato [...]
27/08/2012 11:09:31
Le Rose
Isole 51 42 S 057 51 WEP(5tx vinyl 12 inches, 22'32'' - Postosegreto rec 2012)
Le Rose embrace DIY aesthetic for their second release, a 12'' vinyl disc, limited edition of 100 pieces. "Soledad ("lonliness" in spanish) is [...]
26/07/2012 15:46:31
Surface tension(3tx CD, 59'10'' - Murmur rec 2011)
i8u is France Jobin, from Montreal, Canada. Her discography is pretty impressive (cfr Discogs), and this 3 sound-suites release [...]
24/07/2012 12:23:31
Simon Balestrazzi
The Sky Is Full Of Kites(3tx CD, 56'15'' - Boring Machines rec 2012)
Simon Balestrazzi's CV is pretty fertile: from founding in early 80's T.A.C. (Tomografia Assiale Computerizzata) (a re-issue last year by [...]
19/07/2012 11:39:29
Thee Marvin Gays
It’s easier to be a dumb(6tx vinyl EP - Kizmiaz rec 2012)
A distanza di circa sette mesi eccomi di nuovo a scrivere del quartetto belga che dopo l’omonimo album di debutto ci propone qui un EP vinilico con [...]
16/07/2012 15:54:31
Uniform Motion
One Frame Per Second(9tx CD/12'' vinyl, 33'35'' - s/t 2011)
A lovely self-production, already at its 2nd edition. The cover artwork makes it look like a NES videogame. But, it is not. Not exactly. Press [...]
12/07/2012 10:43:31
Transfer(4tx CD, 47'13'' - Murmur rec 2012)
This time is the japanese record label Murmur to embrace Øe and Fabio Perletta's universe of trascendental sonorities. And with reason. This new [...]
05/07/2012 15:19:31
See also:
Maybe I'm
Homeless Ginga(9tx CD, 29'14'' - Jestrai rec 2012)
This album is fucking brilliant, adrenaline fueled, from the very abrasive, majestic/bombing blast of I Set my House on Fire, till the spare, [...]
04/07/2012 10:47:31
Quiet In The Cave
Tell him he's dead(5tx CD, 26'27'' - Cave Canem diy rec 2012)
Tints of black. Exasperation and taste for the inevitability of death: that's the dogma running Quiet In The Cave's latest release, coming [...]
02/07/2012 12:43:31
New Candys
Stars Reach The Abyss(12tx CD, 46'09'' - Foolica rec 2012)
I find this record simply enthralling. Stars Reach The Abyss. New Candys.Doped, sedated, highly pop-psychedelic and buzzing in keeping a low profile. [...]
26/06/2012 11:38:26
I hope it shines on me(13tx internet release / CD, White Birch + Stordisco rec 2012)
Free download internet release, recent Codeine's reunion is an excellent excuse to compile a 13 track tribute-compilation of those slo-core [...]
25/06/2012 12:31:30
Mr Bonz One Man Band
Playing with Strings(4tx 7'' vinyl - 2011, Stencil Trash rec)
A volte certi viaggi cosmici, oltre le vesciche ai piedi, lasciano anche dei positivi strascichi; in questo caso si tratta di un 45 giri che gira a [...]
21/06/2012 14:39:30
Magic Towers
N. 4(2tx k7, NO=FI recordings 2012)
Si è già scritto molto su come l'ipersocialità di oggi si intersechi in modo malsano con una certa smania di accumulazione. Che poi la sindrome di [...]
19/06/2012 11:01:29