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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that

Catherine Graindorge

The Dictator (feat. Iggy Pop)

(4tx Vinyl/DGTL - Glitterbeat rec 2022)

 | pall youhideme
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So, punk icon Iggy Pop played a couple of Graindorge tracks on his BBC 6 Music show some years ago, she finds out and got in touch, he replied, they finally made Music together. And it worked. What a beauty. He "wrote the lyrics for ‘The Dictator' two months before Russia invaded Ukraine” (via BC). What a shirtless Nostradamus
My bad, I never heard of Catherine Graindorge before. Now I do. Talented musician and composer, a visionary violinist able to craft a compelling journey into experimental and evocative music, with tints of medititve and minimalist, dissolving the classicism of her instrument into drone music sometimes, in a twirling of passages where Iggy's spoken word perfectly combines. Funereal and heavily narrative. Almost sombre and sobre at the same time in its mourning tournament. Like the In the Deathcar, driven by a dream of a violin.

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