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I'm Now

The Story of Mudhoney (2012)

 | pall youhideme
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Finally I watched this documentary, I'm Now: The Story of Mudhoney (by Adam Pease, Ryan Short), telling their very beginnings, with high school band Mr. Epp (1978), and later, Green River (1984), featuring vocalist Mark Arm, guitarist Bruce Fairweather, drummer Alex Vincent and bassist Jeff Ament, a band which ended days after they opened up in L.A. for Jane's Addiction and Junkyard, and the story was that, while Ament loved them, Mark and Bruce commented to him they sounded totally lame.. that opened a big chasm among them and signed the end for the band, whose LP debut was due in a month on SubPop. Not bad, from that split Mother Love Bone and Mudhoney were later born.
So, the documentary tells the story a group of friends, fuckng talented friends making the sound of what changed a generation of kids and makes a difference still today. About when the amazing Steve Turner, working in a japanese restaurant, and a chief handed him a super fuzz pedal.. yeah, that's how it happened.. and it's also about Matt Lukin, initially bass player in Melvins, been kicked out because he did (and yet do) not have a pussy (:-P) .. Guy Maddison is a critical care nurse!! Of course it talks about Nirvana, addictions, the Courtney Love thing, grunge, Sonic Youth, mainstream vs indie record label. Okay, enough spoilering. That educational.
A frank story of humble people, living their normal life, without any ambition to become a banal rock icon. With love to the lucky ones.

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