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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that

Davide Cedolin

Oh the Pleasure with Trees

(6tx DGTL - 34'' circa - Self-prod. 2023)

 | pall youhideme
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Dendrophilia literally means "love of trees". Now, let's make it rough. Cedolin is sexually aroused by trees*, maybe with some it's still platonic, but, there are a tree-mendous few which led him to write there six pieces of Music, fed through kranky acoustic guitar, banjo, synth and field recordings: a pagan ode to the woods of the cover. Instrumental music. Improv. Hypnotic and ecstatic. A friend of mine, living in Taichung told me natives are used to slow collect positive energy from trees in the park over there. Propelled slowly by Taiji.
So, a cognitive and pensive tracklist framed by chirps and gentle waterfalls.. you know, I live in Rome, bloody noise pollution.. and as Slowdive sung, 'The world is full of noise yeah I hear it all the time'.. What if those noises were trees' voices instead.. Press play and discover it.

*No idea about that, just kidding.

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