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Howlin' Wolf

The Howling Wolf Story: The Secret History Of Rock And Roll

2003 Documentary

 | pall youhideme
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The fascination of Howlin' Wolf always played something special on me. 
This documentary sums his private life and his life in music. 
Born Chester Burnett, Mississippi delta, USA, an ultra religious mother who firmly believed Blues was "the devil's music" and stopped talking to her son for decades, until she literally trampled on a $500 bill Wolf offered for a better life and to proove he had worked hard. Illiterate until adult age, his service in the army. Finally the success in his 40s. Then he's father/son relationship with the marvellous guitarist Hubert Sumlin, Wolf's love for his wife Lillie Handley and their two daughters.. the moment when black people lost interest for blues Music and Chess records opened a door to a different audience through that record with Clapton (note: "initially, Marshall Chess did not want to pay the expense for flights and accommodations to send Wolf's long-serving guitarist Hubert Sumlin to England, but an ultimatum by Clapton mandated his presence" [wiki]), that thing with Son House drunk on too much wisky at the end of his career. 
This documentary is an excellent work of narrative of the life of a giant along the golden times of delta blues music. A must watch.

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