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Mary Lattimore

Silver Ladders

(7tx CD/vinyl/DGTL - 2020)

 | pall youhideme
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So, a harpist record inspired by the ocean, mixed and produced by Neil Halstead? Here it is. 2020, of course it sounds magical and oneiric as it should. That kind of magic sound weaving on tip toe.
Mary Lattimore, originally from Pennsylvania, USA, played harps for a long list of inspired artists, from Thurston Moore to Marissa Nadler. The track Sometimes He's In My Dreams which she shares with Halstead at guitar is soundcrafted into suspended, intangible beauty of harp elegance.
An ambient music record which delicately blends electronics with harp's classicism, bathed into the experimental interplay of delay, reverb pedals. A mind trip into calmness, quickly inducing to immersive hypnosis. Or for entering the warm waters of a spa, to regenerate your inner self, body and soul. 
Serene, profound (Chop on the Climbout), like your breathing while listening to this record. Enjoy it. 

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