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Beastie Boys

Aglio e Olio

(8-10tx vinyl, 13'19'' - Grand Royal rec 1995)

 | pall youhideme
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""Aglio e Olio" means "Garlic and Oil" in Italian, a reference to one of the simplest pasta dressings used in Italy." (cfr) -, that's not exactly true: you must pay attention to not burn garlic, and the correct amount of oil makes the difference.
Here's, one more time, how Beastie Boys made a difference in music history. Hardcore punk delicacy served. And it has aged until today so good. My two cents. 
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 pall youhidemeOpen new window writes:
We should also mention Quasar here,

(31/12/2021 15:13:00 - ip: 5.152....)
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