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Towards the Woods

(9tx K7, DGTL - self-prod. 2021)

 | pall youhideme
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Summer in Rome. I woke up kinda early this morning, then I got jogging in the green park of Villa Ada. Back home, I had a shower. I opened the internet, then FB, here I randomly read that Werner just released a new record. I connected the bluetooth to my stereo, I pressed play on their BC page, I lay down on the bed, I scrolled on Twitter some photos and clips of La Collectionneuse (Eric Rohmer), beautifully trending in these days - it seems -, and then Werner kept me down, heavy on my chest as the beauty of sadness can be. I closed my eyes and I was still awake, yet, not before less than 30 mins I've been able to get up again. Their pauses, their slow pace, their gentle 'Devils and ghosts' kept me paralized to the bed. Eyes close, eyes open. You must be in the right mood to confront the melancholic bitterness and vibe of their tunes, - this is not their first record, - I was kind of prepared to that, and never enough. It's like an abrupt break from the daily things of your life into the moment of aknowledge of leaning toward being forgotten.
Alessia Castellano and Stefano Venturini, both at vocals, draw through acoustic guitar, cello, viola, piano and "animal sounds" nine beautiful portraits of the funeral facets of the poetic idyll. Nature and human nature. Mother Earth and Disaster in Tears is a balance of the sense of sudden naked bareness I felt with Mi and L'Au and Heather Woods Broderick. That fun. Share this beauty.

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