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The Hindenburg Disaster

real footage 1937

Joseph Späh witness, and National Geographic special

 | pall youhideme
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The tragedy, dated today, 1937. 

"Despite the sheer ferocity of the colossal fire, many of the crew members and passengers survived, but the majority of them were severely burned [..] Of the 97 people on board (36 passengers and 61 crewmen), there were 35 fatalities (13 passengers and 22 crewmen). One worker on the ground was also killed, raising the final death toll to 36. [..] A variety of hypotheses have been put forward for both the cause of ignition and the initial fuel for the ensuing fire. The incident shattered public confidence in the giant, passenger-carrying rigid airship and marked the abrupt end of the airship era." [wiki]

"When passenger Joseph Späh (aka Joseph Anthony "Ben Dova" Spah), a vaudeville comic acrobat, saw the first sign of trouble he smashed the window with his movie camera, with which he had been filming the landing (the film survived the disaster)."

The National Geographic special:

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