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Open to chance

(11tx CD - Paradise of Bachelors rec 2016)

 | pall youhideme
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Kayla Coehn, aka Itasca, feeds her folk pop tunes with a talentuous gentle fingerstyle touch and melacholic vocals. Her third album, Open to Chance. A sense of background bitterness walks tiptoes through all of her songs. Like, No Consequence is an enchanting trip into this vibe, with steel guitars moaning around her passionated as serious voice. A winning fascination which harmoniously handles, with a cut of unreal and oneiric, the fast country piece G.B.. For sure, songs like Layman's Banquet and Angel brought me back to Sibylle Baier: her intimacy narrative, nuance and moody pick.. love that. The piano song Carousel is made to drain your tears. The strings and flute of Just for Tomorrow and Daylight Under My Wing are a one way tickets to 60s psychedelic folk age. Daintiness and gentleness able to break you..  Honestly beautiful. Enjoy.

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