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Appropriation Stories

(10tx 2x12'' LP/CD/K7/DGTL, 58'' - Hospital Productions 2016)

 | pall youhideme
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To be released on October 18th, 2016, Londoner producer Guy Alexander Brewer, here known as Shifted, collects a 10 tracks disc going from minimalistc to nihilist techno, everlastingly pulsating, incessantly impenetrable, feeding over and over a palpable tension, a sort of percussive/cognitive sound remapping, a sound consciousness, densely layered rhythmics, where smaller is the new denser, under constant, of repetitive, industrial straight beats.
A perceptive journey into obscure, ambient techno made for one: differently from his other 2016 release Six Steps To Resurgence, this is not music for a rave, it's more for a room rave: beyond the door, everything else is only illusionary.

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