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8/24/91 - Cologne, Germany

25 years ago sound like now

 | pall youhideme
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That's why I love Youtube, - pardon, - (some) people uploading new stuff on YT. A remastered (audio and video) version of this amazing live performance... Endless thanks to Alternative Copperpot5..

Deshaked + QTGMC for 50fps (Select 720p50 using the gear icon for the higher frame rate). Camera audio was replaced with circulating AUD1.

This show took place one day after Reading 1991 (8/23/91) and a month before the release of Nirvana's "Nevermind" album (released Sept 23, 1991).

More Notes form Part from
The headlining bands cut their sets short so Nirvana, who missed their performance slot after supposedly getting caught in traffic and/or at customs, could squeeze in a 30-minute set. However, according to the band's former agent, the band intentionally showed up late so they wouldn't have to play so early in the day.

Nirvana played using Rausch's equipment, resulting in Kurt and Krist playing on the opposite sides of the stage as usual.

Compiled by Copperpot5"

Check also Nirvana's 1991 show in Rome, remastered.. stunning re-work.

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