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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that

Grischa Lichtenberger


(3x12'' vinyl/DGTL, 24:41/28:18/33:51 - Raster-Noton rec 2016)

 | pall youhideme
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Special edition, limited to 500 copies, printed, stamped and signed by the artist himself, three discs driven by three different figures - Spielraum (Room-for-playing, in English), Allgegenwart (invisible presence) and Strahlung (invisible force.. - go deeper into conceptual here): Grischa Lichtenberger - from Berlin - masters the realm of glitched-up electronica with these three EPs, going from atmospheric techno (- let's copy and paste this - 15_03_re_0112_re_0811_08_lv_1), to cracked and brittle sound mayem into new order (1215_18_lv_12 b) and annihilation (0415_09_0215_13_youtube_beat_mainliner).
A collection of How to Reprogram Your Brain with breakbeat music which works  like a charm, a magic spell software powered (0415_07_re1214_11), like with the percussive rhytmics and retro synths raindrop of 0415_09_re1214_06_re_1114_27_re_1014_21_re_0614_20_lv_2g_2_b. - WTF, am I missing something, or these are actually the tracks' titles? Anyway, a bunch of vibrant, sometimes dark, pulsating pieces of synthetic music to bring with you to feed your society alienation. And on vinyl, this should sound pretty exclusive.

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