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You ruin everything

(10tx CD, Solar Flare rec 2012)

 | pall youhideme
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You ruin everything, what a title. Anyway, 2012 was kind of fine to me, for sure, it got better thanks to this record too. A record today still blasting, fiercely rancid and restless. 
Debut LP release for Dave Curran' Pigs (from our beloved Unsane, The Cutthroats 9), his voice is pure acid. He's playing guitars, no bass, here. Introduced by the controlled tsunami of Give it, - You ruin everything is loaded with mics satured of fuzz, overdrive pedals and octopus-like percussions. Drummer Jim Paradise makes his numbers on Drained and goes punk rock on Contrition Dilemma. Need some adrenaline? Get it here. The whole tracklist is sick to the bone. Sick with bitterness. With noise rock and a sludge core. If you need a dose of 90s, here's your heavy dose. And 90s never sounded more actual and genuine.
Happy to read that the 12'' vinyl version is at its 4th pressing. Cool. Enjoy.

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