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(10tx Vinyl LP - Hand Drawn Dracula rec 2015)

 | pall youhideme
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Think to Sonic Youth of Dirty era, then Autolux's debut release, add some dreampop nostalgia à la Film School... really, why haven't you pressed play already?

Leaper and Drown are two of those underrated gems of honey dipped into rancid music I am thankful to Sounds Better With Reverb they let me know discover this cool band.
From Toronto, Ontario, Leaper is Beliefs' second full length release: 300 copies of translucent green vinyl, - that must be a real beauty, - wish I had the money to get one down here. Anyway, duo Josh Korody and Jesse Crowe catch shoegazey harmonies with natural sharpness, intertwining or alternating boy/girl vocals and seducing the listener through a never boring tracklist. 
Morning Light is the bath into a multicoloured sound spectre, with a background of fuzz buzzes and saturated amps, while Josh and Jess' voices gently whisper to your ears.
Final track Swooner starts with the bare beauty of Jesse's voice, sensual, and celestially bathing into reverb efx, then the piece grows and touches the shores of 90's shoegaze à la Pale Saints. That's the way to end a tracklist.
Greetings guys, a beautiful record indeed.

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