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Boris Bilinsky


Original 1927 French release poster

 | pall youhideme
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This brilliant article by Adrian Curry made my jaw drop, because, when I saw that amazing poster, instantly I thought 'Mahogany's artwork for Connectivity! LP!', realized by Mahogany's founder, Andrew Prinz, excellent, green mind illustrator. Check his behance profile, and you'll discover he probably made the artwork of one of your recent readings.

So. Fuck, I totally missed that! This was the "original 1927 French release poster" for Fritz Lang's legendary film Metropolis. My respect to Andrew Prinz' taste. 
Such a masterpiece, from the "four-sheet poster that stands 94 inches tall and 126 inches wide" to all the theatre costumes, sets, made by the visionary Boris Konstantinovitch Bilinsky (1900-1948), Russian artist and designer.
"According to information containing within the 28 page Metropolis press book issued by ACE, four different sizes of Metropolis poster (affiche) were prepared by him.". There is this exhaustive website for Metropolis with egregiously covers the story
So, in the meanwhile we're waiting for the new Mahogany's record to be released anytime soon, it's up to you, enjoy the two-hours marathon of Metropolis, or listen (again) to Connectivity!.

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