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G.B. Husband and The Ungrateful Sons

Full of love

(9tx CD, 36' - IllSun rec 2014)

 | pall youhideme
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A delicious cup of piping hot tea, offered you with no haste or urgency by (let me take a breath..) G.B. Husband and The Ungrateful Sons
Alternative folk, intimate, lovely guitar riffs, gentle keys and percussions, the warm vocals by Angelo Di Falco. 
Debut full length release, a beautiful artwork, packaging melodies in the key of a rustic songwriting; we have a potential hit single here, Thin Ice: it sounds like a timeless hit you already heard somewhere, randomly; it goes smoothly along an enjoyable bittersweet pace of its rhythmics, sometimes blended with slight 6-string electricity, powered by an infectious refrain. Also, Not Again is quietly cheerful, bossanova tempo, pop folk writing, mellow chorus; you rid of the cup of tea and grab a cocktail by the pool. Enjoy the party, music plays calm, you can have a nice talk with someone. Honestly good, not a new page in history of alt-folk music, ok, yet, fully enjoyable and well written.
The goodnight love song is offered by Weepin' (and weepin'), which sounds like a lost lullaby of Johnny Cash.
Finally, a surprise: they are from Italy, Avellino.

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