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Friends of Alice Ivy

The Golden Cage and its Mirrored Maze

(8tx CD, 44'' - Elysium Sounds rec 2014)

 | pall youhideme
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Third release for Friends of Alice Ivy, now a trio, with Zora joining the core members Kylie and Amps with her cello, adding more chamber music vibe. 
Angelic female vocals and symphonic textures, their new tracks smoothly move through the moving lights of a celestial dimension, going from the dark corner of medieval soundscapes to more breezy, dreamy hooks, sometimes even mystically folk (Igraine, False Fox). 
Kylie's voice won't stop going glorious, able to climb up lyrical heights (Oars under glass), yet, always peaceful and elegant. Such a seraph.
For sure, The Aerial Mariners and Miranda top the tracklist, both powered with a slow paced candour, such so tunefully serene. Actually the whole record is blessed with this harmonic timbre: it slows down the clock, your heart beat, the hypnosis of being majestic. 8 tracks feeding a languid vortex of stunning harmonies.
Last but not least, Song of the Willows is a long, ultimate journey into sound, utterly seducing: its ethereal load is massive, you should listen to this track with headphones, at bed. Who knows where you'll wake up.
I'm sure this is their best record so far. Now take a breath and listen.

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