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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that

Blevin Blectum

Emblem Album

(10x CD, 48'' - Aagoo rec 2014)

 | pall youhideme
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Her fifth full length release, yet, the first I hear of miss Blevin Blectum so far: kaleidoscopic electronic dizziness, chopped-crazed glitch music (Deathrattlesnake), altered by the frenzy of a digital breakbeat pace, fully instrumental (exception, the first track, Cromis (part one), playing crazy with her vocals samples), going from mental finesse (Basically Chunneled) sometimes reaching baroque tops (Manners Melting).
Tenaciously zigzagging, within the boundaries of minimal sound, fully unstable and dissociated with the 8bit videogame madness of Harpsifloored, which sounds like the missing wrecked symphony for Alex' treatment in A Clock Work Orange. Fully enjoyable.

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