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Friends of Alice Ivy

We are as ghosts

(2tx CDs, 7 mins, Elysium Sounds 2013)

 | pall youhideme
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Finally a new chapter from Friends of Alice Ivy, darkwave two-piece, homebased in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: We Are As Ghosts is a preview of their forthcoming LP The Golden Cage and its Mirrored Maze.
They don't lose the path taken with In the Gloaming (2011, > review), and this single CD masterfully projects his shadow en pleine grâce on a bucolic air, elegantly suspended over a neo-classical arrangement, richly emphasized by soave cello and celestial female vocals, that is Kylie.
The b/w version goes simply ethereal and epic, blissfully mournful, in the way of standing in front a disarming beauty.
Think Love Spirals Downwards, if you need a coordinate. As well as also Cranes' bside, Leave her to heaven II.
Just waiting to grab their full length record.

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