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The Jesus and Mary Chain

JAMC inspirations & Influences - Jim Reid 1985 mix

During the year of Psychocandy

 | pall youhideme
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"Asked to compile a mix of music that reflected the records The Jesus And Mary Chain were listening to in the early days, frontman Jim Reid sent us this selection and commented - "This is typical of the music we were listening to during the year of Psychocandy, anyone of these songs could have appeared on band compilation tapes that were listened to on the tour bus etc. Any of the songs could have been selected by any band member"."

Tracks from The Pastels, Einsturzende Neubaten, Ramones (Howling At The Moon (Sha-La-La) - so JAMC!!! or viceversa..), New Order, Suicide, The Gun Club, The Fall, Swell Maps - I mean, besides the fact of the excellent mix, this selection fits inedeed with Psychocandy.

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