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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that


Riders In The Stores

Free tracks and live vid, La Nau Ivanow, Barcelona

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Chupaconcha are an experimental jazz/funky two piece from Barcelona, drums and trumpet, although their passport says they're italian: Giorgio Menossi (also drummer of Lonely Drifter Karen) and Giuliano Gius Cobelli (Chaqlalà e Your Kid Sister) play on the psychedelic side of a drunk party promise (Guru, Conchita lo remato'), riding through a trippy carpet of altered state sounds and tempos, sometimes like a  maze (Bassman) wisely managed with a loop station that turns them into a small full band, plus delay pedals, wah wah (which makes of Cobelli's trumpet a guitar), and more magic gimmicks, without denying a visit to the smoky ambients of a more metropolitan jazz (Subsequentium modi), - all 70s flavoured.

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