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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that

Wild Flag

Mary Timony, Carrie Brownstein, Janet Weiss, Rebecca Cole

The Spells, overloaded

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Wild Flag are a super band featuring:

"Brownstein and Weiss were in Sleater-Kinney and toured with Timony's band Helium on numerous occasions. Brownstein and Timony played in a side project called The Spells. Rebecca Cole's Portland-based band The Minders was a frequent opener for Sleater-Kinney. Weiss and Cole play together in The Shadow Mortons. If someone drew a visual representation illustrating the ways in which all indie bands are interconnected, the four musicians who make up WILD FLAG would be in the same, tiny sphere." [via]

I love Timony since always, I jealously have a copy of The Spells' EP, and full respect for SK. Their new band sounds to me very similar to a full-band version of The Spells. Long to get their Wild Flag's debut record ready.

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