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Heaven please

Show at the bootleg theater in LA before China tour

 | pall youhideme
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From Devics' live show in Los Angeles before their recent tour in China.
This song is - one more time - a piece of bitter/sweet pleasure/pain for my soul.
Song originally from My beautiful sinking ship and  If You Forget Me..

heaven please i have fallen
on my knees and out of your arms
take me back i am good now
heaven please i have given
everything to sing for you
give some back
love now

what's the game please stop pretending
that you don't hear me
heaven please come down and save me
and bring that man to me

heaven please i've been walking
gates whose entrance i am denied
let me in let me in now
heaven sweet i am calling
at your feet i been true to you
paid my due's say i'm through now
la la la la la...
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