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That is an idea

Record release.

 | pall youhideme
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'Playbutton is a wearable button that plays music. A new way to release records [..]'.

I'm sure this new format would save space in everyone's bookshelves, and apparently, it looks like an excellent idea, but, You know, personally, I'm that kind of old-fashioned moron who likes observing now and then his records, CDs and vinyls, on on a shelf as well stuffing them in a jumbled pile with no practical sense.
BTW, if they were cheap to release, if I was in a Band, I would love for sure to sell them as audio pins, and, analogously, that's an amazing idea, as fan, to support a Band You might see live, especially when, perhaps, You previously bought everything from them.

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not yet, probably nobody cares, or nobody cared enough to tell something. Also: nobody reads komakino.

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