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Things in Herds


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Things in Herds - from | Varie
  Things In Herds [read review on komakino#9], alternative indie pop bedroom recordings Band from Brighton (UK), with Their sound theremin-like gain's attention, picking I Can Dancing And Walking as their album of the month; and moreover there's a brand new mp3 here, Been Down Here Much Too Long, - a beautiful calmness of an acoustic riff on Pete's voice. // Things In Herds [leggi recensione su komakino#9], bedroom alternative indie pop a volte acustica Band di Brighton (UK), con il suo sound à la theremin si guadagna le attenzioni di per l'album I Can Dancing And Walking, - inoltre c'è un nuovo mp3 qui, Been Down Here Much Too Long, - una bella quiete di giro acustico sulla voce di Pete.
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