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Sherlock Holmes

feat. Danny Yount interview @ The Art of the Title website

An eye on opening and end credit work of movies

 | pall youhideme
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You know, right before I was to read the 'about us' section of The Art of the Title, - a website focusing on the art of making movie titles/intros, - I just thought "yeah, this subject always been fascinating to me, since I was a kid and totally loved the cartoon-like titles of the Pink Panther", - and You know what's their incipit? 

"Remember when your heart sank just a little when you realized the Pink Panther movie wasn't a cartoon?"

So, this is definitely one of my favorite daily internet readings since now!
- And some months ago, I really enjoyed the introducing title-scenes of Guy Ritchies' Sherlock Holmes, - I just said myself 'why the hell nowadays italian movies don't ever make anything like this?'. Blame on this country of fiction-eaters.
- Anway, The Art of the Title features a brilliant interview with the sequence creative director Danny Yount (previously after Six Feet Under), an accurate overview, including the former submissions later replaced by the storyboard-like scenes.

More gold with Delicatessen, True Blood, High Fidelty.
Wish there was one about Soul Kitchen, too - they did an amazing work there.

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